Ch7 - Chiron Opens Up

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Do I look like a old man who chuckles evilly and says "Who am I going to kill now?"

Do I look I a woman who drinks tea while people fight over Sophitz and Sokeefe? No? 

Well you get it.

General Pov:

The morning sun shone over the camp half blood, making the grass glisten with due and the Apollo cabin shine as if it is a literal sun. 

And the morning was faced with eight demigods with bewildered thoughts.

"Who were those people?"

"They didn't seem to have godly parents, then why did they have godly powers?"

"What the heck is Hepatetus cabin making so much ruckus about?"

Later, they got to know that the crack Leo had heard, was about a portal design that Leo had made. The Hepatetus cabin had finally decided to start working on it. It would link Camp Jupiter and Camp half blood in a direct transport if it worked.

After breakfast, the ten of the prophecy and Chiron, along with some of the cabin councilors, met for meeting in the big house.

"So, I am assuming you guys had prophecy related dreams tonight?" Chiron asked looking at the pensive face of the demigods. 

"Yeah! Annabeth has influenced me. Even in dreams I had to see tests." Percy grumbled.

Annabeth shut him up and asked everyone to share their dreams. They all told their dream. Apparently, Sophie had just as interesting life as demigods. Annabeth had been typing away on her laptop all the time everyone spoke. After everyone was done Chiron closed his eyes and kept them closed. Leo would have thought that he was asleep, except that he was standing. Could centaurs sleep while standing?

While Annabeth was sitting and frowning over her laptop, Leo began to take out tools from his belt and started fiddling.

After about half an hour, Annabeth said, "Okay, here's what I have collected. 

All the elves are like hunters of Artemis, they can go down in battle, but are otherwise immortal. 

Elves' ears turn pointy once they grow old.

Generally, all elves are good-looking. This girl, Sophie is common in all of our dreams, and the boys, Keefe and Fitz are in many of them. Dexter and Biana are also repeated.

I am assuming that the kids I saw in my dream are the ones the prophecy was talking about.

One girl is like a daughter of Poisdon, she can control water.

Two of them can read minds. 

Dexter is like a son of Hepatetus, he can make things.

Sophie seemed like a special case, she has four abilities. She can read minds, teleport, and some other things. This is because of some rebels- called the black swan.

Her dad, I am assuming, is Grady and he can control what people do.

And there are general things elves can do like float around the place.

Also, the elves have herds of animals that are supposed to be extinct, like T-rex, though, the gods never said anything about them having neon green feathers, and wooly mammoths. 

Also, Sophie had been made to wear a circlet that would block her abilities, which she doesn't wear in the dreams where she is older, so I am assuming her period of punishment got over or she removed it illegally. I am going for the latter, because she gets banished along with her friends at one point.

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