Chapter 29

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Rachel walked with her eyes trailed. The slithery white line on the floor had been guiding her for the past hours, and the others following.  After the shifters had told them their side of story, everyone had told what happened to them. How they met the shifters, fought them, either killed them or made friends with them. 

They had decided against taking a night's sleep, much to displeasure of half of them, but Sandor insisted that they not wait until they found Sophie and Percy. And well, let's just say he was a force to reckon when we was being stubborn.

Not that Annabeth hadn't been stubborn in taking a break, despite the fact that her boyfriend was missing, but she had to relent when Sandor threatened to walk away himself if no one supported him. In way, Rachel thought it was a good thing they didn't wait to sleep.

Time in Labyrinth moved a lot faster than in real world. If the few moments Percy and Annabeth spent there when they found it, turned out to be an hour was anything to go by. If they had slept for the night, gods know it might have been weeks in the real world, which would be disastrous if Percy and Sophie were out there.

So they decided that after taking an hour of rest (Grizel and Ro annoyed Sandor into it) they were to keep moving, hoping that Rachel's clear sight would lead them to their missing leaders. 

As uncaring as it may sound, honestly, Rachel wasn't worried about Percy, and Sophie, at that. Of course, Keefe's announcement that Sophie's mind was at rest had a lot to do with it, but they couldn't be sure. The Labyrinth was known to manipulate one's abilities. 

They were met with occasional few monsters, but with a battalion of heroes, it hardly posed any threat. After walking for about three hours, all of them engrossed in their own minds, lots of puns from Keefe and Leo's (in fact, it was so much that they ended up getting smacked by Coach Hedge), lot's of discussion (arguments) between human and elvish world, they came to an opening. 

In a way, those talks was what kept them to their sanity. If they were left to their thoughts, they would have ended up insane and depressed, with the thoughts the Labyrinth provided. She hoped Sophie and Percy had not been separated. That would be disastrous. Now, as she saw the tiny ray of sunshine in front of her, filtering out of a hole in the roof, she felt a glad relief.

She went and stood in the line of sunshine. Maybe she was being panaroid, they had barely been in the Labyrinth for half a day, but it brought back a lot of memories of Labyrinth when she had stayed a lot longer. 

She was glad that her white line ended on where the sunlight fell on the floor, which meant that they were supposed to go out. Well, she didn't know about anyone else, Rachel was glad to comply.

"We have to go up there." she announced behind her. Immediately, she was pushed aside by Sandor, firmly but not unkindly. 

He sniffed about the room, and Rachel bit back her chuckle. His face broke into a large smile, "We are at foxfire." he announced. She remembered that foxfire was the elvish school. Leo had not missed a beat to ridicule the name. But now, the question was, how were they supposed to get out of here? 

The hole was so tiny, that even an owl wouldn't be able to pass. 

"So, how do we get out of here?" Jason asked. 

"We can blast it. Admitted, it would take a lot of energy, even if we team up. God, I wish Sophie was here. She could've blasted it all in one go." Maruca said.

Everyone nodded. Rachel really wanted to meet this super powerful moonlark everyone adored. 

"Guys, I could just open a tunnel." Hazel suggested. 

"You can do that?" Dex asked, with interest, inspecting her up and down as if looking for bolts. Honestly, Leo had a similar reaction too.

Hazel nodded and closed her eyes. Soon enough, the tunnel opened above them. The hole was too high to jump. Everyone looked at each other. 

Marella suggested, "Well, we can all climb on each other's shoulders?" she said it as a question. 

Linh muttered, "You foxfire students. No common sense." And then smoothly levitated out of the room. She landed gracefully out of the tunnel, and peeked her head inside, with a smirk. The elves made an o gesture and levitated out. Frank turned into a pigeon and flew out, fluidly turning back.

Jason flew himself out of the hole, though that was a lot less graceful. Controlling winds and flying out of a tiny tunnel tended to do that to you. Nico used darkness to usher himself, and Hazel outside.

Annabeth looked around at the remaining party. Ro just jumped out of the tunnel with a leap, followed by Sandor and Grizel. Gods, Rachel wished she was as tall as them. 

"Pull us out now," Annabeth called out. 

The elves nodded, and one by one pulled everyone out by telekinesis. When Rachel was pulled out, she felt like imaginary hands were holding her and pulling her up. 

She appeared on a huge grass lawn. To her front was a huge pyramid, each floor of different color. Wrapping around the pyramid was a railing which definitely didn't follow the laws of gravity. To the sides of the pyramid, rose two towers, with 'elite' written in large letters. 

But the most impressive part wasn't the architecture (Annabeth was having a fit), but the surroundings. The air was so cool and clean, there was not a single trace of smoke in it. The atmosphere had no blurry effect due to the smoke. Even the silence, it wasn't eerie, there was the sound of crickets, birds, insects, but there were no horns blaring, no vehicles, horns, and other noise pollution.

Rachel had never been to Olympus, but this was what she imagined it was like. 

Suddenly she saw two goblins running towards them, followed by an elf who looked like the older version of Fitz. 

Author's note: 

How do you like the story so far? I had faced a bit of writer's block recently, but now, I am back.  

Also, are you all comfortable with me using meter and centimeter? Or should I research about feet (I don't mean you legs ) and use that?

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