Fun moments 3

268 10 14

Linh's pov:

Day 1:

"Okay, Linh you need to trust me if we want to make this possible." Percy said, looking Linh in the eyes and explaining as if he was talking to a small kid.

He was trying to help Linh get better control of her water abilities. The first two times they had tried, it was unsuccessful. 

Turns out, Linh was wary of her own element. Apparently, she couldn't control water if she she was scared of it. She had to let the water know that she was in charge. Which made zero sense, water isn't a living thing. 

But honestly? Linh understood what Percy was trying to say. The day in Atlantis, with Sophie's enhancing, she had felt so...there were no words to describe it.

It was like she herself was the water. She was not controlling the water to clog up in the warm hole, she was literally putting her fist on the wormhole.

It felt amazing. 

Linh had tried to get such control again, but all she now felt was fear. 

Fear of losing control. 

Fear of getting banished again because of it.

And this fear, according to Percy wasn't letting her gain control. Now, he was saying that she go all out in the ocean, and control the water like she had that day. 

"Just take out all your emotions in it." He had said. Easier said than done.

"Earth to Linh." Percy said, snapping his fingers in front of her face. 

"Yeah...ok. What were you saying?"

"Look, I am a son of Poseidon. Even if you lose control, i am here to handle the situation, okay? Besides, we're not even in the lost cities."

Linh nodded and stepped into the water, letting it soak her till the knees. She let her consciousness into the water, feeling every molecules. 

She felt all the hairs on her skin stand straight, and power filled her veins, and the same voice in the back of her mind said again, "You'll lose control. This is just what happened last time. You were banished. Tam was banished because of you." 

But Percy's voice cut it, " Yes, good going, let it all out. Think of your brother with the neverseen. Think of the neverseen. Think of Wylie's wounds." 

Unwanted images flashed into Linh's mind. Tam's voice telling her all was over, to not try to save her. Neverseen taunting her. Ruy in the woods, hurting the gnomes. Wylie's wounds after he got tortured. 

Energy cursed through her veins. Angry energy begging to get removed and destroy everything around her. The images and voices kept repeating in her mind and a mind curling scream escaped her.

Her hands clenched into fists and she sensed the water rise around her. 

But she didn't care, she couldn't care. The world around her had faded and now she was focused on her pain. Her anger. All the times she had to be strong for the circumstances. 

She felt all her anger channel out through her in a blast. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in a whirlwind of water spraying around her, rushing high, that she felt that she was surrounded by mountains of water.

And then, the water loosened. She felt a firm and powerful force pushing her energy down, but she have had freedom in a long time. She wasn't going to get bullied now. 

The force and her energy fought for a while, and eventually the energy won, and the water receded.

She saw the sight of Percy, perfectly dry and with his arms up in the air. 

"Wow, that was some pent up energy. You'll find that water control will come easier to you now." Percy said, giving her a bottle of youth.

Day 4:

Percy was right. After she had let out all her pent up fear and anger, water control came easily. They had been doing different types of exercises that focused on different parts of her ability.

On the first three days she had only been exercising control. Today, Percy brought up this game where he would yell out a word or a number, and Linh had to make that shape in the air with water. It went badly for a while, and once she got the hang of it, it was fun. 

Day 5:

Today Linh had to copy the motions Percy did in the ocean. If he made the waves three meters tall, Linh had to exactly copy that.

Linh did that surprisingly well.

Day 6: 

Today, Linh had to actually go in the water. Given her phobia of water, I didn't go too well the first time she dived, but arguing against Percy was like arguing against Mr. Forkle. In other words, impossible. 

They tried to dive thirteen times, keyword being, tried, and they Percy called it a day. 

Day 7: 

Today, they were swimming again.

"Look, we are going to do this as long as you get a hang of it. So, the faster you learn, better." Percy told her. 

Linh managed to do it in sheer desperation, and Percy apologized later, "Sorry, I was a dick. But you needed that push."

Day 8:

Today Linh had to located 10 plastic fishes Percy had put in the 1 square kilometer area of ocean, without actually entering the water. 

Locating the fishes was easy, but dragging them to the edge was...tiring. 

Needless to say, these exercises were very mentally tiring, but in these past eight days, Linh felt more like herself, confident and in control than she ever felt. She regretted being a coward earlier.

So and so it went for ten days, until Sophie found the letter on the alicorn babies and and they had to go to the dwarven world.

After that, with Keefe unconscious, Tam back and Keefe later disappearing, they never got an opportunity to train again.

Up next, our favorite mama bear of the century...


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