Chapter 31

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Author's note:

That's 3k words in one day and my hands are aching. You better like it. I am desperate because I have to finish this off today.

The ten demigods of prophecy, the ten elves of prophecy, Coach Hedge, Grady, Edaline, Alden, Della, the bodygaurds, the blackswan collective, W, Y, and J sat in the living room of Havenfield. Needless to say, it was one crowded room. 

They had been here to discuss to the matter of the shifters, whether to help them or not. Most of the kids thought the answer was obvious, but the question the elders seem to raise was making them doubt it. Leo thought they were being counter productive.

So far, all the conversation they had was telepathic, so as not to offend the shifters, but Sophie, Fitz, Alden, Mr. Forkle and Granite quickly got annoyed by it. Transferring messages when the people are not being patient is hard. So, Flori ushered the shifters out in the garden. W was definitely annoyed at that, but with something Y whispered in her ears, she agreed. 

Once they were out the room burst into protrests,

"You can't go, you don't even know them." 

"They were the ones who kidnapped you guys."

"What's to say that this story is all bullshit, to lure you guys into their den?"

"How can we trust them." 

Sophie admitted that she had not thought of all this. Reyna had, but one stubborn group of noble heroes refused to listen to reason. However, the heroes had arguments of their own, 

"But what if they are actually saying the truth?"

"Yes, they might end up dead if it is."

"They came to us for help, we need to help them."

All in all, it was a room full of arguing people ( some of them were not even paying attention- looking at you, Leo and Keefe ). Sophie held her head. She could feel a headache coming. Annabeth shifted from where she was sitting with Percy and Leo and Keefe, with an utterly annoyed expression on her face. In the chaos of the room, no one even noticed that. 

She sat beside her and whispered in her ear, "It's time this conversation went on tract, don't you think?"

"Yes, what do you think about the shifters?" Sophie whispered back.

"I am conflicted." Annabeth replied, and Sophie agreed. With a look and a smirk, they decided what they need to do. They stood up (not that anyone noticed). Sophie muttered 1, 2, 3 under her breath and together, they both yelled at the top of their voice


Keefe and Percy looked up from where they were sitting together. Sophie and Annabeth were standing on their chairs. With their exactly same height, blonde hair, and sharp features, you could've mistaken them for twins, had it not been for the brown eyes of Sophie, giving her a softer effect contrasted to the stormy gray eye of Annabeth giving her a more demanding look.

Gods, I love her.

They both thought, not knowing similar thoughts were held by the boy sitting beside them.

The sat into pin drop silence, looking at the girls standing on the sofa. 

Marella muttered, "Finally, some common sense." 

Mr. Forkle said, "I agree. We were acting like a bunch of kids." 

Grady, Alden and Blur atrted together, "But what I was saying..."

"The thing is.."

"These people are..." 

This was again met by a piecing whistle by Annabeth learnt from the best, "If you wan to say something, raise your hands."

"What? We are not a bunch of middle schoolers." Coach Hedge exclaimed.

"Really? Cause you are bloody acting like one." Stina said, who had been sitting through the whole thing with a I can't believe this people expression.

No one responded, because they knew that what she said was true. Annabeth sighed and said, "So, what you guys are saying is that all this is a flux, because all we know about them is by their telling."

"It might be." Edaline said softy, her face not showing it but her emotions proud at her little daughter leading them, even if she was standing on the chair with her boots on.

Sophie nodded and said, "But the prophecy did mention a drakon." 

Reyna and Grady started speaking at the same time looked at each other and then raised their hand, and then burst into laughter. Sophie and Annabeth giggled too, and at Grady's urging, Reyna went first.

"The prophecy mentioned slaying the drakon. And the shifters are saying we are supposed to support the drakon. What's to say that the shifters aren't victimizing this Lady?" Reyna said.

Everyone nodded, and the people who were previously supporting the shifters rethinked, because prophecies don't lie.

"Well, you do have a point. But the prophecies tend to be confusing. What if the shifters actually need our help?" Percy said.

"Gods, I wish I had Veritaserum." Sophie mumbled. 

"A ... what?"

"You see, there is this book I read..."

"Nevermind, I take it back. I have had enough book rants to last me a lifetime." 

Everyone in the room had a heartly laugh and then Frank had a bright idea, "We can't have Veritaserum, but Keefe and Stina can monitor their emotions and see if they are saying the truth."

And so, the shifters were summoned and J sat (believed to be the most vulnerable to emotion control) and tell the story again, with Keefe holding one wrist and Stina another. 

J's story was repeatedly stopped by questions, which J tried to answer as honestly as he could. By the end, he was in tears, and the adults felt bad for making him say it all over again, but it needed to be done, and Sophie knew that.

After a lot of argument, with Reyna supporting them now, they finally managed to tickle the elders consience. They agreed to let the children go, of only Sandor came. The adults insisted on joining in too, but they shifters refused to let anyone but members of Prophecy on their island.

So, finally...

Off to the last island____ 

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