Chapter 36

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Author's note:

No one guessed what Dex said in Sophie's ear. I guess it will remain a secret forever now.

Percy Jackson was on fire. 

Well, not literally, but his body felt like it. His body was a literal whirlwind of pain. But more painful was the fact that he had been defeated and captured by a bunch of dragons that didn't even breath fire. Gods, his ego was hurt. It didn't mattered that he was outnumbered ten to one.

In the last five days, he had been drugged and kidnapped, met a hybrid elf with super powers, drugged again and sent to a hospital, and now he was under the effects of a drug again.

Great. Just perfect.

He had been out under the effect of some green smoky drug, and his other friends had met the same fate. But, maybe because he was a son of Poseidon, the drug had milder effect on him, and he was in a sort of paralysed consciousness in the last part of the journey, wherever they were taking him. 

He felt that he was heaped on the top of an eight year old kid (how embarrassing!) and was flying, probably on a dragon. After a while, he felt the dragon descent. 

He felt himself being thrown somewhere like a potato sack and he was pretty sure there was going to be a bruise on his hip. But the stupid drug didn't let him move, still.

He heard someone talking, "Foolish heroes. Barging in trouble head first. I thought Y had more sense than that." 

"Which is what worries me. Y would have more sense that making a plan that gets them all captured."

"Oh leave it, stupid. You are giving her too much credit that what's worth. She couldn't have possibly known about our potion. It was top secret."

After that they abruptly stopped talking, and heard a few more thuds, indicating some of his had been captured too. 

He mentally groaned at his lack of ability to move. 

"Hey look. The water boy is conscious, drug him." 

Water boy? That's what they call him. That's the top level insult.

He moved his head slightly away from the voice, but it was no use and he was pulled under the influence of the drug again, this time under a deep sleep.


Percy's back was sore. He felt himself groggy sit up and blinked his eyes to focus. He moved his neck right and left and opened and closed his wrist, and then he looked around himself. He was surrounded by people getting back their bearings. 

He looked around to see who was there. Marella. Annabeth. Fitz. Sandor. Tyson. Hazel. Biana. Dex. Jason. Slowly his eyes scanned the crowd, but gave up later on. There were simply too many of them to keep track.

They were in a garden in a sort of cage, one's that are used for circus animals. Percy felt it was supposed to make him feel insulted, but could work in his favour. Frank could easily turn into a fly and go out.

Speaking of which, Frank was missing. He went close to the bars and tried to pass his hands through it, but was met with an invisible shield.

Of course.

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