Chapter 33

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Several sets of eyes peeked from behind the bushes lined in front of the massive walls of the golden city. 

From where they were, they could clearly see what was happening when the gate open. It had opened with barely any creaking, for its size.

From it, came two dragons. They were about 6 feet tall, and twice that long. There were tiny wings folded on their backs, which definitely couldn't have supported their weight. One of them was green and yellow, with its head held high, and they other one was brown and white, which seemed to be following them.

They heard Y mutter a series of words between "Oh for" and "sake" that they have never heard an eight year old mutter.

"Come on, we need to get away from here." W whispered.

Everyone sent her a questioning look. Their bushes were in the middle of the field, there was no way they could get away.

But Hazel and Nico nodded and quickly opened a tunnel in the ground they were. They all slowly jumped into the tunnel one by one. Tyson was the last to jump in and the dragon were close enough to smell him, if their senses were as good as the shifters, but hopefully, the fact that he is technically a monster would work. 

As they came inside, Hazel and Nico closed the roof on them. They gave a sceptical look at the wall. It looked ready to collapse. The mud was wet and not very durable. But Maruca solved the issue by making a dome around all of them. Now, if the roof wanted to collapse, it wouldn't matter.

"They can smell in the ground. We aren't too deep." Coach Hedge muttered.

"Its fine. The shield will block it." Maruca assured.

"What the hell just happened?" Percy asked.

They were all too cramped in the tiny opening, and were standing in the area, like one might stand in a crowded bus.

"Those were dragons?"

"Really? I thought they were pegions." Percy deadpanned.

W rolled her eyes, "Well, if you knew, why did you asked?"

"Because on your whim, we are standing in a tiny cave and you are not giving proper answers." Percy said.

"You're the one who is being sarcastic."

"Guys." Wylie said, with a hint of warning in his voice.

"Right." J said, "These were dragons, and K's employees. They keep making thorough rounds now and then so that they know when we are here. Someone K got the hint that you guys might come."

"So, these guys shift into dragons? Or like, they are wholesome dragons? " Dex asked.

"No. They are whole dragons. Lanka is also the city of dragons. The 27 shifters are their leaders, otherwise its filled with dragons of all kind. Which is how K is claiming Lady isn't a pure shifter. She turns into a dragon rather than a monster."

"I can't see how that's any worse." Linh muttered.

"Exactly. Lady is a proper shifter. But K is riling people up based on that." Y said. 

Everyone nodded in understanding. "So, what now?" Biana asked.

"Now we wait for a while. It takes about half an hour for the dragons to do their shift." W said.

"It wouldn't if both the dragons went different ways and did the rounds. But the scared mouse insists on following Nictasour." Y commented.

W giggled and continued, "They take rounds every two hours, so, we will have two hours to get into the city."

"But how? Of course we could levitate, but we would be seen." Keefe said.

"Same with telporting. The thunder crack is way too obvious." Annabeth added.

"And the city is lined with gold. It's impossible to leap." Fitz said. 

"I can take about 5 people tops, with shadow travelling." Nico said. 

"Hmm, don't worry about that. We have a tunnel entrance from which we can go. But I think they smelled Tyson. Frank can you turn into something and check if they are still there? I am sure the dragons wouldn't consider a mouse any problem." Y said.

Frank made a face, but turned into something that couldn't be seen in the hurdle of legs and went burrowing. He came back after about 30 minutes of agonizing anticipation. The addition of a huge baby man in an already full tunnel was not at all comfortable, but no one said anything, or even noticed for that, in fear of what he had to say and what took him so long.

"There are about six to seven dragons patrolling the area. I heard two shifters talk. They know we are here. They are not sure just how many are there, but they are keeping a strict eye open." 

Y cursed. This was not going how she had expected at all. Killing shifters was fine, they would come back, but dragons were forced to serve K. She wanted as less casualties as possible.

"What do we do now?" W asked. Shifters have never been at war, and she had no experience. 

"We need a distraction." Annabeth said.

"Put it up to us." Leo said, with a mischievous smirk, linking arms with Dex.

After a lot of arguments, it was decided that Nico would shadow travel Leo, Dex, Percy and Keefe, who Leo claimed were the kings of distraction. Biana joined along to 'keep an eye on the idiots.'

After they had went away, they were to wait for about 30 minutes, and then get out. Those thirty minutes were the longest thirty minutes in the history of thirty minutes. 

After that, Hazel opened the tunnel above them. Frank quickly checked the conditions outside, in bird form, and them getting a clear signal from him, all of them climbed out one by one. 

The demigods had no issue climbing this high, and the elves had levitation to support them. They helped the shifters out.

They saw where Dex and Leo's devices were causing smokes and sparks and crackles. It was impossible to see what was happening. 

They heard Percy say, "Hey you! The one that looks like cake!" to the brown and white dragon they had seen earlier. Annabeth giggled at her seaweed brain, and walked onwards. 

They reached the wall. There was a little hole like the house of Jerry in Tom and Jerry, only larger. It seemed to be illusioned, which Y removed with a swipe of her hand. 

They all entered and almost immediately took a right sharp turn. 

'So, we are walking inside the wall. Interesting. I wonder just how the walls have to be thick to do that? They can't be too thin or the pressure might fall on thin surfaces and cause a demolition.' Annabeth thought. 

They walked for a while, and then, Y and W who were in the front took a right turn again. Annabeth couldn't see what they could see, but it couldn't be good that Y said, 

"Oh shit!"

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