Ch14 - Sophie and Percy Escape

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Sophie levitated clumsily around the room. The floor had become filled with fiery balls of smoldering ash, so while trying to run and dodge the fireballs, she was hurting her feet. 

Percy was moving around Sophie, swatting away the fireballs coming their way. The fire just made him slightly warm, like a campfire. Being a son of Poseidon, fire had less effect on him. He had once been half dipped in lava, and had survived, but even he could handle only so much.

A fireball fell on Sophie's head and her hair caught on fair. She flapped her hairs before they caught more fire, and rubbed them against the mud. But in doing so, her hand got hit by a fireball. It got burnt and there was sure to be a wound. But she just shook her hand and dodged another ball. They couldn't keep doing this. The floor was now covered in smoldering ashes and Sophie's levitation looked ready to fall.

The fire balls seemed to be coming out of thin air. Sophie followed the path of one fireball to see exactly what was happening, and the fire as if coming out of the mud, fell and hit Sophie, right on the face. 

She quickly pushed it with her hands, her hands got singed and the sudden pain lost her balance and she fell right in the pile of smoldering ash. A scream erupted from her mouth and shivers ran down here body.

 A scream erupted from her mouth and shivers ran down here body

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It felt like her body was on fire. But it was not a normal kind of fire. There was something magical about it, the fire balls should not have been lit for so long, especially since they fell on mud. But the mud seemed to giving more heat to the fire. She writhed in pain, her body not giving her the pleasure of going numb. 

Percy saw ugly blisters forming on Sophie's skin, he saw her writhing in pain and as if by practise his mind looked all over the place for water. And he found water, and summoned it. It was strange, when he had previously tried to summon any amount of water in this room, he couldn't do anything, like there was no water. 

Now, there seemed to be ample of water around him, like mud should be. He moved his hand over the place and the water fell on the ashes on the floor. The fire hissed, and gave out and he felt heat of the steam as the water evaporated. 

He summoned more water and surrounded Sophie in a cocoon. Then he realised something. The device had been keeping the water molecules at bay. Because of the mud being dried, the walls hadn't collapse. 

But now, there was water practically everywhere. They were going to be put under the debris if he didn't do anything soon. But what? He collected all the water around him and made a drill with it. He soaked the mud around the roof and made the embedded water molecules move the roof, and sent the drill forward. He kept doing this and with every round a tunnel started forming in the roof. He managed to keep the roof intact. 

After about ten such rounds, he sensed that there was an opening above. He pushed all his force into the water and felt a jolt in his gut. He heard some tiles shattering.


 The roof opened into a well made tunnel going perpendicular to his tunnel. He had been floating on a disc of water. He jumped down, to take Sophie to the tunnel, wherever it went and do whatever he could with her wounds. Those looked really bad. 

He came down to see her standing. 


"That was some amazing work, Percy. Thank you, for that cocoon."

"You shouldn't be standing, Sophie. You will hurt yourself more. Curse me, I forgot about your cocoon in our escape."

"I fine, Percy, I have had worse." She said and shuddered. She went and stood under the tunnel. It was about 200 meters long.

She levitated, but fell. Percy stabled her and made a water disc for her. 

She stood there and he levitated her. Once they were safely seated on the floor of the tunnel, Percy put his attention to her wounds. Most of them had been minor, which had gotten more manageable because of the cocoon, but the wound on her hand, on the side she had fallen was huge, and the blood was still flowing out of it.

Sophie was not bothered by it, at least, she didn't seem to show much effect other than slightly wincing. He put a little amount of water around it. It made the blood stop gushing out, but the moment he would take the water away, it would start flowing. Keeping the water like that, he turned it a little more solid around her hand and wrapped his T-shirt around her arm.

Which meant he was now shirtless.

He turned red at that, but Sophie just laughed and said it was fine. 

"So, where are we?" Sophie asked.

Percy looked around and frowned. It looked a lot like the labyrinth, and given how they found it, it seemed a possible option. 

"Labyrinth?" Sophie asked.

"How did you..."

"Just a guess, given our situation."

"This is very bad. We had barely survived and how are we supposed to survive now, when I don't even have riptide, and I don't know how to throw this thing."

"I know how to throw the star, besides we have your water power." Sophie said.

"I exhausted myself back there, I don't think I can..."

"Oh, about that. You can hold my hand." Sophie said, waving her hand casually. 


"Wrong phrasing. I meant, I am an enhancer. Here." She said, as she ripped off her gloves and have him her hand.

He took it and touched their fingers lightly and a jolt went through him. It was like how he felt when he had sat on Poseidon's throne. He felt energy coursing through him and like he was made of water.

She took away her hand. He hadn't realised he was clutching until she pulled it away.


"I know. But after the ability enhancing, it's too strong. I will give you more energy if needed, but this is enough for now." 


They then heard a growl and saw a skylla in front of them.

They then heard a growl and saw a skylla in front of them

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She was an ugly woman, and ugly seemed too nice a word. The upper part of her body was completely and grossly naked, with large snakes bellowing out of her back.

The lower part of her body was a mix between an octopus and a snake, with dragon like faces erupting from the skin.

"My god." Sophie muttered as one of the skylla's snakes struck at her.

Author's note:

So far, I am loving the shape the story is taking.

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