Fun moments 2

290 10 12

Leo's pov:

Leo shook his head to gain his bearings, as he leaped into a garden.

Spinning cogs decorated the sweeping arches and ornate columns that formed the main building, which framed a massive clock tower, except the frosted glass face had five hands instead of two and five symbols instead of twelve numbers.

The same symbols were also used to mark each of the contraptions attached in a neat row along the very top edge of the tower's roof. The first looked like a sundial, the second some sort of weather vane, the third an anemometer, the fourth being a rain gauge and the last being something that was shiny and spinning fast.

 There were pipes gleaming in copper, silver, gold, brass, and steel jutting from the roof of the main building at varying heights and angles, unleashing thick white steam into the sky, others sneaking down the sides of the earth, tunneling into the earth. 

"Wow, this is one of the coolest place I have ever been to." Leo breathed, craning his neck to look at the mansion that couldn't seem to decide whether it was a machine or not.

"Welcome, to Widgemot." Dex said, in a grand suspense host voice, "And since you took me to Bunker 9, I thought you deserved to see this." 

"Is this your workshop?" Leo asked. All the machines around him and its continued buzz was putting his ADHD mind at ease. 

"Gods, no. Its Tinker's. She is the black swan technopath. But before we go in there, some warnings." 

"Anything for this baby." Leo said in daze, waving his arms around him.

"Tinkers hates fire, for some personal reason of her. She even mends metal with electricity." 

"Electricity? How?" 

"I'll show you. Point is, I had a hard time convincing her to bring you here after she got to know that you control fire. So now on, no fire, okay?" 

"Okay." Leo said, excitedly.

"Another thing, Tinker believes that questions hold more value than answers, so be prepared." Dex said, before motioning for him to follow. As they entered the workshop, the noise from outside died down completely. Leo realized it was because of the spring attachments all around the rooms.

Not to say that the room was silent. There was equal amount of buzzing and cracking inside the room as well. But in stark (pun intended) contrast to Bunker 9, this room was cool, as if it was air conditioned, making it all the better to work. 

Sitting on a desk, with her back to them, was a tall woman. Unlike other elvish woman he had seen, this one screamed masculine. She had a type of armor over all her body, except that it was filled with all kinds of devices. 

Hearing a ding on the door (detector) she turned. Half her face was covered with a metal mask, making her look more like a robot and less like an elf. But the half of her face that was visible was beautiful, like all other elves he had seen.

"So, you brought him?" She asked.

"Yes, Tinker, this is Leo, Son of Hepatetus, Leo, this is Tinker." 

"What do you think of my workshop?" Tinker asked.

"Its cool. Cool in the cold sense too, and in the amazing sense too." Leo said. 

"So, what do you know about technopathy?" Tinker asked.

"A lot. I created a magical ship, which got unfortunately destroyed because it was snapped halfway across the world." Leo said, and Tinker for her credit, didn't look bamboozled.

"Okay, what is the electronic configuration of sulphur?" 

That took Leo off his guard. "Tinker is testing you, only after that she will show you more of her inventions." Dex said.

"Oh right. [Ne] 3s² 3p⁴" Leo asnswered.

"Hmm. Do you think that's good that you knew?" She asked.

Does she even compliment with a question?

"No, its a pretty easy question. High schoolers would know it." Leo answered. 

Tinker nodded and went to get a piece of paper and drew an atom on it, "Which element is this?" 

"Uh...calcium. As I said, these are highschooler questions." 

"Hmmm." she hummed and went and went to take something off her desk. It was metal disk, and an attach arm was hammering against it, but the thing made no noise, even if it was a metal against metal attachments. Leo frowned and observed it from all around.

"Why does it not make a sound?" Tinker asked.

Leo was silent for a few seconds and both Dex and Tinker waited patiently. After a while, he said, "It is so, because these rubber pads are streched tightly on the side, hence blocking the vibration." 

"Very good, come here." Tinker said. She walked away and Dex whispered, "She said a statement. Consider yourself passed." 

Leo went over to where Tinker was tinkering with something. 

For the next three days, they worked with each other, and Tinker used more statements as they got more familiar. They realized that Leo was more good in making large machinery and Dex in tiny gadgets. With the help of Dex's twiggler idea, Leo managed to make a monster proof phone by putting a gnomish leaf on the sim card of the phone. 

Monster proof phone.


"FINALLY!!!!!" the screams of the Aphrodite kids was deafening. 

Linh chapter coming up next. 

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