Fun moments 1

333 11 13

Annabeth's pov:

Annabeth sighed happily as she stepped down her cab, paying the driver the drachmas he had asked for. After a whole day of tiring work as CEO of Greek Architecture Empire, that she and Jason and co. founded, she just wanted to get home and hit the showers.

Her fingers were paining and her one month pregnant stomach was hurting (is that something that happens when you are pregnant? I have zero knowledge about this). But the thought of Percy in the house, probably with dinner ready had her smiling to herself.

After the war, they had married as soon as possible, and had shifted to New Rome. Percy had initially helped Reyna and Frank with handling the empire, but had later gotten invested in improving New Rome's water army forces and establishing a college for marine biology. 

After all his efforts, the Roman's had started fearing Neptune a lot less, and with Poseidon's blessings, Percy's efforts seemed to pay off even better.

Annabeth smiled at the name plate in the front of her house "Percy and Annabeth Jackson" written in greek and Latin. Not that it was necessary, everyone in Rome knew them.

She entered the house and saw two pairs of boots at the threshold. They were elvin, complete with crystals and gems.

Her smiled brightened considerably. It's been a while since they had met, what with Annabeth and Percy being busy with their jobs and Sophie and others with theirs.

Last she knew, Sophie had taken up her career as a swan operator. Black swan, as predicted by Mr. Forkle was still a thing, but now, it was just a public organisation that kept tabs on the government, and intervened as necessary. 

Annabeth came in to see Percy covered in flour, and an open bag of spilled blue dye scattered all over the kitchen floor.

Keefe was picking up the blue dye from the floor and spreading it around like confetti. 

Annabeth and Sophie looked at each other and said together.



They both stopped their antics and looked at the new arrival. Annabeth shook her head, trying very hard not to let her smile show, "Both of you, go wash yourselves up."

Percy saluted, a perfect motion after three working in the navy and pulled a reluctant Keefe away from room, leaving a trail of blue dye and flour on the floor (pun totally intended).

"I am sorry for the mess. I am afraid it was Keefe's fault." Sophie said, pulling at her eyelashes.

"It's fine," Annabeth said, waving her hand, "Percy will just vaporate it into the dustbin. Honestly, I believe our other halves are kids reincarnated into babies." 

"Tell me about it. I can't believe I used to fangirl over Percy." Sophie said.

"What's about the books anyways. I can't find a single book as of what you are saying. Leo even hacked human registries, no Rick Riordan either." Annabeth said, sitting down on the couch after removing the pin that held her toga around her T-shirt. 

Sophie sat on the couch too and said, "Yeah, about that...I found a book in the foxfire library about two years ago. I might have an answer to that."

"Two years? And now you think to tell me?" Annabeth said, in fake anger.

"Hush, don't interrupt." Sophie said, making hushing motions with her hands, "Basically all elves have a connection to a different reality. It's like an au, you know what that is, right?" 

Annabeth nodded and Sophie continued, "So, basically that different reality comes to the elves in some sort of dreams or deja vu. For most people, its like a human au or something. Its called the "link". In my link world, I had these famous books, called the riordanverse, and it somehow appeared in my world." 

"Does that happen usually?" Annabeth asked, her elbows resting on her kness and chin cupped in her palms, a positon screaming that she was intrested.

"It's rare, but not unheard of. Mr. Forkle said it's got nothing to do my being moonlark." 

"That's great. Why were you here in the first place?" Annabeth asked.

"Why? I can't simply come visit my friend?" Sophie asked with a pout.

"Of course you can, but you wouldn't come on a working day just to chat. We both know how much busy you are, what with the recent troll policy the council has passed." Annabeth said.

"Established and reestablished, never try to argue with a daughter of Athena." Sophie smiled.

Annabeth just smirked as a response. Just then, the men came into the room and settles beside their respective spouses. Sophie held out her wrist to her, where her soft hopeful bracelet used to rest, last Annabeth had met her, matching with Keefe.

Now it was replaced by a plane brown leather bracelet, with a logo of a blue elephant and a gluon together embroided on the top, with tiny gems and glitter. Keefe held out a similar bracelet on his arm.

Keefe smiled wide, "Me and Foster are officially engaged." 

"Wow, congratulations. Just how much did you torture Grady to agree to this?" Percy said. 

"Edaline, Della and Alden had pulled him into a room last night, after he showed his disapproval of me dating Keefe for the billionth time. I don't know what they did, but I am pretty sure I didn't hear any screams."

Annabeth and Percy chuckled.

"Come on then, we'll get going." Sophie said, standing up. 

"What? Stay to dinner, Percy has made the dinner." Annabeth said. 

"All the more reason to get the hell out of here." Keefe said, leaping away before Percy had time to reply.

Authors note: 

Who do you want to be in the next chapter? I have already got a Leo and Dex ready.

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