Chapter 20

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Rachel Elizabeth Dare. That name usually sparked fear in the girls of her stupid girls school. That's not what the school is called, but it's what Rachel calls it.

After all, who wouldn't be scared of the girl who had pit mice in their skirt of the star pupil of the school when she tried to put her up with her cousin.

Don't get her wrong. She was really nice girl, but totally demure and sweet. She was the perfect "lady" as if they were living in medieval times. 

And her cousin was hot. And as much as Rachel couldn't date, due to her Oracle, it didn't make her crush proof like the huntress. There is only so much nagging one can handle without putting mice in their 'skirts'. 

So now, whenever anyone saw Rachel in their school, they gave her a wide berth, and thank goodness. It was not like she liked to be friends with any of those idiots. But when faced with a monster, Rachel wished she could hurt them with a mouse, or a hairbrush.

And whatever the fangirls believe, blue plastic hairbrush cannot kill monsters.

She wasn't a demigod, but an occasional monster after someone would try to target her, and at times like that, she really wished she could use weapons. Not that she hadn't tried, she had. But she didn't just have it in her. She didn't have the inborn battle reflexes in her blood. Mortals did use weapons in war, but for that they had to train all year.

She could hardly do that when more than half her year was spent learning how to sew and sit straight. But right now, she really wished she had something. A monster stood in front of her. It was a sort of vulture, expect that its muscles were all puffed in places and in some places the mass was worn away to show it skeleton. Rachel shuddered.

At least it can't fly, Rachel mused

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At least it can't fly, Rachel mused. It struck its claw at Rachel and she with her Oracle senses realised what it was doing at a moment early, and dodged. This happened one more time, but she was getting tired. This can't go for long. 

After half a minute of dodging, Rachel found herself between its legs and it looked ready to kill her. She got a vision. It was as if a girl was standing over her instead of a vulture monster. It was like those olden time movies, she saw a half faded monster, and a half faded girl. 

She was about eight years old, and with flaming red hairs and unnatural white eyes. Same eyes that the monster had. The girl looked at her with lust, looking ready to kill. And her formed flickered into a solid monster again. Shoot. 

The monster turned. There stood in a golden armour and jeans, with her hair bellowing behind her, a confident smirk on her face, Reyna. She had never been glader to see Aurum and Argentum. The dogs hurled at the monster, and once again she saw a little girl, reading her hands and getting ready to dodge, where the monster was. And it transformed back into a monster. 

Reyna took a leap from the rock she was standing on, her dagger held in her hands and moved towards the monster. 


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( I did the drawing 😁 )

The monster, instead of turning into dust, turned into the little girl she had seen earlier lying on the floor.

"You think killing me is the end? There are more. You all will be able to do nothing. Nothing." She said with anger and then, passed out cold. 

Rachel turned to Reyna, "What just happened? Why are you here? What is this monster. It wasn't a trick of mist. I would've seen clearly then. The girl really transformed into the monster."

"Who is it? A shifter. 

What just happened? I killed a rebel shifter.

Why am I here? Long story.

How do I know all this? Long story.

What now? Now you tell us where to go." 

Rachel nodded and looked at the floor. A faint white was going in the forward direction, the one Reyna had come from and in the opposite direction to the vines. If they followed the white line, they would be going in the opposite direction of the others, but that's what her sight says, so there they go.

As they walked Reyna told her what happened and how she got here. 

Reyna was standing on the roof of her apartment, when Aurum and Argentum came and pulled at her. She followed them where they were going. They came to a narrow alley between two buildings. It wasn't much deep, and not much wide either. 

On the floor stood a little eight year old boy. He was coughing and sneezing, and looked in a very bad state. The dogs came a stopped beside him. She had never seen the boy before, but he had somehow managed to get into the camp. Yet, her dogs didn't seem wary of him, like they would be of he was a threat. They seemed to be saying to help him.

Reyna trusted the dogs' judgement and knelt beside the kid. He had short blonde hair, and unnatural red eyes, like they were literally on fire.

The boy looked at Reyna and sat up. Reyna clutched her dagger in her right hand, but made no move. "Who are you?" 

"I am D." He said. His voice sounded raspy, as if he had great trouble speaking. Reyna looked at his wrist and her eyes widened. Someone had injected poison in him. 

"Come on kid. We can talk later. You are poisoned."

The boy nodded, with sad eyes. His eyes held wisdom more than any eight year old boy would.

"I don't have much time. Listen.

I am from a race of people called the shifters. We can transform into our spirit partners at will. It is usually a monster-like creature. Usually, with the exception of Lady. She turns into a drakon. Yes, the same drakon as the prophecy mentioned.

Shifters are immortal. They used to be.

Lady had a debt on old magician, Doran, and he cursed us that we will remain immortal as long as we are united. The moment there is rift between the shifters, we will die. But Lady knew that wasn't possible. Shifters were bound to fight one day or the other. And then, the wiping out of the entire race is not logical.

Somehow, she convinced Doran to shift the curse to her. Whenever the shifters fight, she will be the one to die. The shifters honoured her for it, and made her their leaders. But K had always been jealous of Lady. He used to fancy her but she didn't like him back. He was the leader before Lady was made one. So, he resented Lady forever. 

Lady managed to keep peace for centuries to come. We all look like kids, but we are as old as your gods. But for the last few decades, K has been riling up the shifter. He had been spreading rumours about how Lady isn't actually a shifter because... well that's beside the point. 

Many agreed because the shifters had never before seen something outside of perfect and so when lady came...

Lady is dying. Because of the rift between the shifters, our saviour is dying. K has convinced the people that the heroes of the prophecy are the bad guys. They are coming to kill the shifters. He has ordered us to go kill you all. Some of us know this, some don't, and some support K that Lady ought to be killed for the curse to be removed. 

Please, help the shifters. Kill K, I don't know what to do, but help us. Please help Lady..." and with that, he died.

There. An extra huge chapter, because I haven't updated in a while. Make sure to vote it.

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