Chapter 25

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Things haven't been too happy in my life now a days. I got my exam result, and while it was well  better than average score, it was way less than my average score. And this year is very important for my career, so don't expect very frequent updates anymore.

Things happened so fast that Biana felt she was literally being pelted with information. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's see what happened.

Just when it seemed that the huge monster they were battling was literally invincible, Frank and Marella came in the clearing. In Frank's arm was a little boy, badly hurt, but not in a gross way. Neverthless, he was dead. With a low growl, the monster turned to Frank and Marella and the monster went hysterical. It moved its head to left and right, and vibrated, as if it is shaking. It was not even focused on them now. 

The monster slowly moved and sucked all the water in the lake into it, and turned into a little boy, with one fluid motion. She could see out of the corner of her eyes, everyone lower their weapons a little, but still on their guard. But the monster, now turned boy didn't seem to even notice.

He ran to Frank and Marella, on the now dry land, took the little kid from their arms, while Frank looked with confusion and Marella with suspicion.

He ran his hands over the wounds of the boy, his entire body shaking with sobs, not caring that his hands were now covered in blood. He fell to his knees and put his face in his palms, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.  

" said you will come back and take what will I do without you...they killed you brother...they killed you..." He sobbed over the body of the boy who was supposedly his brother. Biana heard footstep behind them. She turned to see who it was. The running footsteps of a little girl, followed by Nico and Leo and a little behind, Dex and Linh. The girl looked around, then her eyes settled slowly on the duo on the floor. Her face sqeezed with emotions. She took a deep breath, and ran to the boy.

She put a hand on his shoulder. His head whipped back, ready to kill anyone who would try to hurt his brother. Looking at the girl he buried his head into her shoulders and she ran a hand over his back slowly. 

"They killed him, W. How are we supposed to ally with them? They killed him." He said softly, like a little kid, between sobs. 

"Get yourself together." W said softly, all her rudeness and attitude disappearing, "He is not yet gone. We are shifters. If we manage to clean this whole mess with K, your brother will be back. Remember that time when G not-so-accidently killed me? I had disappeared for 200 years, for me, in the void I only felt like a few moments."

"Yes, but then, that was before K started riling shifters up. What if...what if the curse works and lady dies? Than S will never come back..." he sobbed.

"Which is why you have to get yourself together. Look, I feel bad for S's death too, he was my boyfriend. But we need to be strong and save Lady, if we want to get him and all other shifters that have died back, even if it means getting all other annoying ones back too." W said, in a firm voice, standing up, "So, we need to ally with these heroes, get their help. That's what Lady told us."

J nodded, took a deep calming breath and let W help him up. "Okay, so am I the only one who is as confused as Hera?" Leo said, with a weak attempt at humour. It didn't work. Everyone around them shook their head, indicating that they were as confused as Leo.

"How do I explain all this mess?" W said, giving a wary glance at J.

J shrugged.

"You don't. I will." The voice of the preator of Rome said. To the other end of tunnel stood, Reyna, along with Rachel and Reyna's two dogs behind them. 

Hazel gasped, "Reyna! What are you doing here?"

"Saving all of your butts." Reyna said, with a smile.

"Wait. You said you will explain everything." Jason said, waving his hands towards the shifters. S's dead body had disappeared, like smoke, after a spell muttered by his brother. 

"Yes, I will. So, here goes nothing." Reyna said, to pin drop silence. Everyone was giving her rapt attention. 

"So, these people are shifters. They can shift into human and monster form. They look eight,  but are centuries old. At one point, they were immortal like the gods. But they got cursed that they will remain immortal as long as they are united. So, the moment they fight amongst themselves, their leader Lady will die. Her power keeps them immortal. So when she dies, the shifters will remain dead once they die.

They won't come back, like they would if Lady is alive. Now, this asshole K, is manipulating the shifters and making them fight. Lady is ill. So, we need to go their island, kill all the rebelling shifters, so at least for 200 years, everything will be alright." 

"Okay..." Biana said.

"So, what now?" Stina asked.

"Now Rachel will take us somewhere. Probably to somewhere where the other demigods...I mean, heroes are there." Reyna said.

"Alright, come on then." W said, waving her hands and started walking down the tunnel.

"Oi! wait..." Rachel shouted, "We are supposed to go in the opposite direction." 

W didn't even have the decency to look embarrassed. She just started walking with equal gusto in the opposite direction. 

Everyone looked at each other. Some with a what just happened? expression. Some with a this girl... expression. And some like Biana, with a too much information expression. 

They all followed W, Rachel with a worried frown. Something on her oracle mind told her, this whole thing was not going to end up well. 

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