Chapter 16

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"Are you sure you are just dizzy? Because this is the hand where the shadowflux hurt you. PTSD can be quiet...traumatic. " Percy said, with concern.

"How did you know? The shadowflux incident, I mean."

"Dream vision. Which is beside the point. Are you sure..."

"Yes, I am fine. No need to act like a big brother right now. I am fine, see?" She did a little wiggly dance around the room, and winced as her boots hurt where her ankle was burnt.

"Right. Fine. So, what now? Annabeth is usually the one who makes plans." 

"Hmmmm, wait, do you see that trail of white." Sophie said, pointing to the floor. 

Percy looked at where she was pointing and shook his head. "Rachel could though, when we came to the Labyrinth."

"So, you think I am clear sighted?"

"I hope so. Then you can get us out of this Labyrinth. You could see the skylla pretty clearly soo..."

"Okay. Maybe it's a moonlark thing, or all elves are clear sighted or..."

"Wait. I remember. Chiron said that elves were created to do quests. So, obviously they are clear sighted. You can't fight monsters when you can't see them."

"Wait, wait, wait. Elves were created to fight monsters?"

"Long story, we should start walking."

"Well, I hope you are clever enough to walk and talk, because you are telling me the tale." Sophie said. 

"Good for me. You are the clumsy one."


Camp half blood 

Everyone leaped on the shore of camp half blood. Annabeth gave the elves permission to enter camp half blood. Chiron was told what happened and Rachel was summoned. 

Leo had taken Dex to bunker 9, because they thought maybe they could access Sophie's tracker with godly  metals.

"So, you want me to go to the Labyrinth again, and guide you towards Percy and Sophie. Sure. Anything to help. But..."

"What is there to but?" Ro asked.

"What's the assurance that they would go out of the place before we reach there. I mean, it will be risky, entering the Labyrinth." Rachel said.

"She does have a point. I mean, Sophie will reach out to me the moment she is able to. She can do that, even across the world." Fitz said.

"Yeah, you will need this Keefe for reaching out to her. After all, she is a mad fan of dear me." Keefe said, spreading his arms out. 

"Shut up, Keefe." Sandor said, "Miss Foster will reach out to Fitz if she is conscious. She won't be able to do it if she is in danger. We have to take the risk."

"Sander's right. Besides, Keefe said she woke up a while ago. She would have reached out if she could." Annabeth said. 

"Yes, she is feeling a lot panicky. She was at least. I can't sense her now." Keefe said. It did nothing to worry the tension around the room.

"Besides, me, Percy and Grover managed to survive the Labyrinth, we can surely survive it easily." Annabeth said. 

"Yes. But Percy doesn't have his sword." Grover.

No one questioned it. It was one of the perks of empathy links. You can tell about such things. 

"All right, then. We can't hold hope for them surviving." Jason said.

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