Chapter 23

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Thank you guys, for bringing this story to 100 votes. Thank you all my readers for reading my story and voting. Now as promised, surprise, I will do a chapter of one of our most favorite characters.

In a brightly lit room, in two different beds lay two children. One was with his wrists bound to the edge of the bed, with very thin metal cuffs, made by one of the best technopaths in the lost cities *cough* Dex *cough*. The slight wind blowing ruffled his raven black hairs, which were falling over his closed eyes which were bluing from the poison flowing in the boys blood. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing deep set sea green eyes, which held pain that no one of his age should hold. 

Beside his bed, without any binding was another girl. Her blonde hair, which had previously been falling haphazardly on her beautiful defined face were now bound in a pony tail. Her skin too held the slight bluish tint of poison that was found in the boys skin.

Her left arm was bound in a gauge, which covered a very nasty burn wound. The boy looked around the room, not recognizing his surroundings. His hands were bound with tiny cuffs, he realised and tugged at them. They should've easily broken, but there was some technology in them which prevented him to pull out of it. He didn't remember getting captured or coming here.

He looked around at his surroundings. The room was decorated in the way he had seen in his dream. Crystals studded in the walls, albeit lesser than the room he had seen in his dream, but still. Ignoring that, the room looked like a hospital wing. 

It had a line of beds of one side of the wall, a table each attached to it. The table beside his bed had a bunch of vials, so did the table beside Sophie. Sophie's bed, he realised had a poster with a girl wearing brown elephant costume, looking totally annoyed. Percy didn't blame her. The costume looked ridiculous. He wondered why it was attached to the bed like that.

In front of him, the wall was filled with rows and rows of shelves filled with vials of different liquids. He heard footsteps coming from the other room. They were very soft. Any normal person wouldn't have heard it, but Percy wasn't normal. He was a battle worn warrior, and for the first time in his life, he was glad for it.

He immediately lay down on his bed in a position in which he was before, deepening his breaths and slowing them down, making it look like he was sleeping. He suspected that these were Sophie's friends, but he couldn't take the risk. They clearly did not trust him, because his wrists were bound and Sophie's weren't. 

He heard someone walk into the room, heard a beep of a device and said, "I know you are awake. No need to pretend." 

Percy opened his eyes with disbelief. Even Annabeth or Sally couldn't tell when he was sleeping or pretending to sleep, then how did this man who he didn't even know do it?

"Oh no need to look so disbelieving. Those aren't just any cuffs on your hands. Dex does his work well." He said. He had mousy brown hairs and rainbow spectacles. He was wearing loose trousers and jerkin along with a doctor apron, all of which was covered in dinosaurs (they had feathers) and a sea whale respectively. 

He inspected Percy's skin and flashed some orbs of light over his eyes and palms with different colours and looked at it with his spectacles. Oh boy, would Will want to see this. "You both have been poisoned. And there is slight trace of animalistic healing factors in your palm, which is found in great quantity in Sophie's burn wound. It's a large wound so, your quick thinking probably saved her from too much blood loss and coma."

Percy nodded. "I am glad she wasn't in coma. We would have both ended up dead, if Sophie was unconscious." He couldn't have fought all those monsters in the Labyrinth and carried Sophie too, especially since he didn't have riptide. Sophie said that maybe Edaline could conjure it for him, if celestial bronze could be conjured in the first place.

"Oh no. The injury would be fatal, but nothing life threatening."

"You know, you just contradicted yourself in one single sentence." Percy pointed out.

"I suppose I did," Elwin mused, "but point remains, she wouldn't have died. Would've have come close, I guess, but then that's nothing new for her."

Percy nodded. Sophie had been telling him about her messed up life when they had been in Labyrinth. It was the only thing that had kept them from going insane like Chris. Talking.

"Guess that explains the poster. You're Elwin, right?" 

Elwin nodded. "How did you know?"

"Sophie talked a lot about you." Talked wouldn't be the right word. Whined, complained, and expressed gratitude at the same time would be more accurate. 

Suddenly the door of the room opened a man and a woman burst in. He recognised them from Hazel and Piper's description. They were Grady and Edaline. They looked like they hadn't slept in days. Both of them had dark circles below their eyes, that was looking like bruises and their hairs were rumpled and their clothes looked like they hadn't been changed in days. 

Sophie had told him about their daughter Jolie and how they worried a lot about Sophie. It would obviously be a lot of worry for them if Sophie got kidnapped. He winced as Sally's face came to his mind when he first saw her after the giant war. Broken, crying, a lot like Grady and Edaline. 

Despite that, both of them managed to look like supermodels. He understood what Piper meant when she said that Grady could make her dad look tame.

They rushed over to Sophie completely ignoring Percy, and he was, in a way, glad they did. They looked at Sophie, scanning her body for injuries Elwin might've missed. They then looked at each other with utter relief filled in their eyes and hugged, breaking down and crying.

So, naturally, that was when Sophie woke up.


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