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Sitting in the library I was completing my assignments quietly but the silence of the library broke as soon as the devil walked in.

"HEY HEY HEY, BELLA.... LET'S GO..." . Sebastian tapped his hand on the table in hurry and bent down to my level. He was wearing a sports jersey and had a football in his hand.

" Where?" I asked frowning my brows.

" My football final match is about to start and you are here completing this shit?" His loud voice pulled the attention of the whole library but it's isn't something new for them.

" What are you doing here then? GO-".

" I came to take you with me. Who will cheer me up if you are here?" He said making puppy eyes.

" Come on Sebastian, the whole school is crazy to cheer yo-".

" We don't have time let's go". He pulled me with him by grabbing my wrist.

" Sebastian, wait, my books-" He didn't even let me pack my bag and dragged me into the hallway. The seats were all full.

I tied his hair into a cute apple hair before he headed towards the ground and I stood near the pavilion, next to extra players.

The match gonna be tough as it's the final match of the mid-year. Both of the teams haven't lost a single match. The reason I was excited yet a bit nervous.

I gave a thumbs-up to Sebastian from far. He winked at me in response.

The match started and both of the teams were doing their best, not letting the other team get a single goal. But Shawn and Sebastian weren't passing the ball to each other. And that was a plus point for another team.

Soon each team has a point and only 30 seconds were left for the match to be tied or be won by any one of them. The ball was now with Shawn who wasn't passing even though Sebastian was near the goal net.

" PASS ME THE BALL, SHAWN". Sebastian shouted. As soon as Shawn passed the ball to Sebastian a player from another team pushed Sebastian that he fell on the ground. Sebastian tightly grabbed his knee near his chest, gritting his teeth to control the pain.

The whole stadium went silent at the moment. " SEBASTIAN". My voice echoed as I shouted. I palmed my mouth looking at him helplessly. But luckily one of the players from Sebastian's team score the goal. The whole stadium stood up and cheered in victory but Sebastian was still on the ground.

I ran towards him but before I approached him another player supported him to stand properly.

Everyone was celebrating and giving a high-five to another player in the team. I was also there doing the same but as soon as I turned to give a high-five to the next player it was Shawn. His wide smile dropped in a second when he realised it was me. Without sparing a second glance he went towards another player.

I felt a bit sad but in the next second, someone turned me around and pulled me into a tight hug. My feet were now in the air. " WE WON, BELLA. WE WON". It was just Sebastian who was overjoyed.

" Put me down ". He did as I said but his hands were firmly resting on my lower waist. I wiped his face with my sleeve as he was sweating mess. He hissed a little in pain but the smile on his face never left. I looked down at his leg which he didn't place on the ground because of the pain. He was somehow balancing himself as his knee was injured.

I took him with me to the nursing room. There wasn't anyone because all of the students were in the hallway as the matches between other teams were going on.

Sebastian said he is okay but his kangaroo-like walk says it all. I made him sit on one of the beds and went to grab a first-aid box but there wasn't any. I walked outside the nursing room to ask any of the voluntary members for a first aid box but I felt myself being dragged by someone harshly.

Within a second I was pinned against a wall by a guy in an empty classroom. " We danced together. Forget me already". He said with a devilish smirk on his face.

" LET GO OF ME". I tried to push him but he chuckled in response. Pinning my hands up he pressed himself on me. " Wha-what are you doing. Ple-please let go of me". I searched for my own voice as it never comes out whenever I get scared. I can't make any sentence in situations like this.

I started shaking in fear but he didn't move back instead he inhaled sharply near my neck. My breath hiccuped, I closed my eyes tightly in fear, letting my tears fall.

" Leave her". My eyes shoot open when I heard a deep voice. I saw it with my blurred vision... it was Shawn. He was packing his bag not looking at us.

" Sha-Shawn...ple-please". My voice came out like a whisper.

" Mind your own business dude". That guy said and again turned towards me. I tried to wiggle out of his hold but his grip tighten and he came dangerously closer to my face.

The next second he was harshly pulled back by Shawn who threw him away with the force that the guy directly fell on the bench with a loud thud. I covered my mouth with my palms as that guy's forehead started bleeding. He was groaning in pain but without sparing a single glance at him Shawn grabbed my wrist and handed me a first aid box before heading towards the door.

" Shawn". I called. He turned to look at me with empty eyes. " Thank you". I pronounced with my trembling lips.

He coldly turned back but bumped into Sebastian's shoulder before leaving the classroom.

Sebastian had a confused look on his face until his gaze fell on the bleeding figure on the floor who was still hissing. Sebastian immediately came towards me.

" Bella. Bella, are you alright?"He asked cupping my face. Roaming his concerned-filled eyes up to down at me.

" He-he-". I pointed my finger towards the guy and started crying. " Sebastian, he-".

Sebastian pulled me towards his chest and started caressing my back softly. " Shish...I'm here". He whispered in my ears softly and kissed the side of my head. I hugged him back tightly.

Nothing is more attractive than a respective guy

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