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For the first time in my life, I got responsibility. Responsibility to take care of the clumsiest girl I have ever set my eyes on. Isabella. Erik told me to check on her from time to time before going to his business trip with Mr. George.

There is an occasion of a parent's meeting in her school and I have to go there instead of Erik as a guardian. The one good thing is she always gets good grades. I don't have to be ashamed as Erik when he used to come to my parent's meeting for results.

A door before her classroom I stopped when I heard a loud cheering sound. I immediately recognised a voice between all those cheers. It was none other than Isabella. I peeked inside to see there were no teachers. Only some students were playing arm wristlet.

I didn't recognise the other kid but the one Isabella was cheering for was Sebastian. Without interrupting them I was enjoying the tough match. Both seemed stubborn.

" YEAHHHH...". Everyone shouted when Sebastian beat that kid. Isabella's face light up. She threw her arms around Sebastian who hugged her back tightly.

But when Sebastian twirled her around her eyes landed on me, her wide smile slowly disappeared. She tapped on Sebastian's Shoulder who put her down.

Following her gaze everyone's attention moved towards me and they all stood straight. " Is this our new principal?". One of them asked.

I controlled my laughter when I heard a girl's voice. " He is so handsome". Isabella immediately ran towards me bidding them her goodbye.

Reaching in her classroom we got her results which says she ranked first again. Her homeroom teacher said she's an excellent student, completes her assignments and projects on time, pays attention in class.

The only complaint they have is she never comes to school on time and her friendship with Sebastian. They do questionable things together and have eaten every single teacher's brain in the school.

They can't complain to Sebastian's parents as he owns the school. I glanced at Isabella. Who hung her head low, looking embarrassed. But why would she compromise?

" Being with Sebastian doesn't affect her grades, Ma'am. And about the timing, I'll take care of it. She won't be late from tomorrow". I saw isabella biting her lips trying to stop laughing at my words." Right Isabella?". She immediately nodded.

She is a very shy person but when she gets comfortable with someone, she annoys them so much. She acts differently in front of other people. Not because she's fake. She just have a different comfort zone with people.

She is shy around Mirabella, comfortable with Mia and Mr. George throws tantrums on Sebastian but never makes eye contact with me. She has never looked into my eyes till now nor does she speaks much with me.

We were about to step out of her classroom but she stopped me. " Mr. Sean, can you please wait for a minute?". She pleaded showing her index finger.

As soon as I nodded she rushed back towards the teacher again. " Ma'am, may I know if Sebastian passed or not?". She asked smiling sheepishly.

" He didn't fail in any subject this time but still ranked last". The teacher replied.

" Thank you, ma'am". She didn't seem happy after knowing about her results compare to Sebastians'.

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