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" WHAT? Isabella? Why?" I got shocked when Erik said it's Isabella who I am going to marry.

" Marriage will be held in the court. On next Sunday, eight at night. You have a week to control your drunk ass from now on. She'll be your responsibility from next week. And I don't want to hear any complaints about you from her. Do you get that?" He stated coldly.

" But Erik she-she's just a kid. Is she even eighteen? Why are you bringing her in all this mess. I'm ready to marry anyone. But she?" I frowned. " Does she even know? How will she react after knowing this?"

" She's ready." He replied crossing his arms on his chest like waiting for my other excuses. " She told this to Mr. George."

" WHAT? WHY? " I asked throwing my hands in the air.

" Because she respect me. She's not ungrateful like you." He raised his voice a little.

" I need to talk to her". I mumbled running my fingers through my hair.

Firstly to ask why she agreed. Secondly, if I'll marry her then I'll never be able to divorce her later as I planned.

" She's in her room but don't you dare to manipulate her to change her decision about this marriage". He warned leaving the room.

Sorry brother but this is what I'm going to do



My room was a mess as I was packing my stuff. A week and I'll be married. I can't believe I'm doing this.

As I was emptying my room I found my rough book in it. I opened it, there was my scatch made by Sebastian. I ran my fingers on it. Turning the page my gaze landed on a cross-game which I and Sebastian used to play during lectures.

A silent tear escaped from my eyes when I came across to read the title 'mine'. I sat on the edge of my bed, never knowing that I'll ever cry reading that stupid lyrics that he wrote.

I was busy checking the book but soon heard a slight knock on my door. Wiping my cheeks I looked up taking a long breath to stop myself from crying more.

" Come in." I tried to sound stable but it came out weaker than I thought.

My eyes widened when Mr. Sean walked in. He roamed his empty eyes at my massy room before meeting my gaze.

" Is anyone forcing you for this marriage?" He asked straight i knew he'd do it.

I shook my head in response.

" If you are not agree then I can help you to escape from this marriage. But if you aren't lying and actually did agree then I have something to tell you." He said stepping closer to me with his hands in his pockets. He lean a little closer but I didn't break the eye contact. " Your life will become a living hell there because I wouldn't be able to treat you like some princess like you are being treated here. There is no kingdom where you are going to live like a queen. It's not a fairy tale story." He said looking at the book in my hand which had a unicorn cover. " It's a whole different world. I'm not a prince who's coming on a white horse to pick his bride. I'm a broken man who's in search of his soul. You need to understand that I'm not ready to commit to anyone. I just can't do it now. I'm afraid that I'll end up hurting someone who is trying to fix me. I can't put anyone's heart at risk to gather myself, at least not yours. You would find yourself broken in an attempt to collect the pieces of my heart".

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