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I raised my head when I heard a slight knock on my study room door before it slowly opened. " Isabella". I smiled at her but she only came inside and stood in front of my table with her expressionless face.

" Mr. Sean". She paused after taking my name. I closed my laptop and gave her my full attention.

"You want something from me, Isabella?". She nodded. I felt happy inside as she finally came to ask something from me. I was about to ask what she wants but she spoke before me.

" I want to divorce Mr. Sean ". Her emotionless voice echoed.

My face dropped at her words. I felt something breaking in my chest but she was still standing there, staring at me with a blank face.

I stood up from my chair without turning my gaze from her. " Divorce?". I muttered.

" I used to care about you Mr. Sean until I realised how pathetic I was for caring over the person who simply doesn't care. You hurt me, Mr. Sean. You made me feel worthless, stupid, and unimportant. I gave you a chance, to this marriage a chance, I let you in but you don't deserve this. This marriage was not forced but also not happily accepted by me. Even though I tried my best but I can't anymore. I'm leaving you. I'm also thankful to you for teaching me that never hold on to someone who isn't holding on to you". With that, she walked outside.

" Isabella. Isabella, I'm sorry". I mumbled. But without even sparing a last glace she left.

I grabbed my hair tightly and started shaking my head in no. Soon my eyes shoot open and I sat up, breathing heavily. Another nightmare. I sighed.

I was on the floor as I slept last night. I was covered under the duvet. I smiled and look up at the bed to see Isabella but she wasn't there.

Getting freshen up I walked outside the bedroom. She wasn't in the living room also. I searched for her in the whole apartment but she wasn't there.

Panicked, I grabbed my mobile and searched for her number. Shit. I don't even have her number. Where could she go? Main house.

Grabbing my car keys I dashed outside. First of all, I searched for her on the rooftop only to get disappointed. Getting downstairs I was about to go toward the parking lot but my eyes landed on her. There she was chasing a butterfly in the garden area, around my apartment building.

I sighed in relief. For a moment I thought I lost her. And that nightmare was top on the cherry to scare the shit out of me.

I never had fear of losing her neither of my Bella because I knew she's all mine. But Isabella, she'll leave me in a second if anyone calls for her. She'll run away from me without any second thought. It feels like I've trapped her in my house. Have caged her since the start unknowingly but now I want her here.

I know she hates me. I know she hates her own life because of me that she even tried to attempt suicide. But I want to make her life beautiful again. I want to see the cheerful, giggling, and full of life Isabella again. The Isabella she was before.

I walked towards her from behind her back. She had a wide smile on her face. Admiring the butterfly which was flying near her head.

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