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Sitting in front of my mirror I was busy applying a face mask while humming a song.

My eyes widened and my head snapped towards the window when I heard a knocking sound there. I'm not a coward but it's dark outside.

Grabbing a bat from a side I slowly walked towards the windows. As soon as I opened it I was about to hit that monster but we both shouted when we looked at each other.

"SEBASTIAN?". I sighed.

" Bella is that you?". He asked.

" Of course it's me ". I threw the bat away.

He touched my face with his shaky fingers. Looking at me as I'm some ghost. But his fingers don't come in contact with my skin and I realised why is he afraid. I was wearing a black face mask.

I yanked his hand away. " What are you doing here?".

" I was so bored so I thought we should go somewhere. I'm here to take you. Let's go ". He replied still hanging like a monkey outside my window.

" I can't come with you. Mr. Sean is home. What if he'll come to check on me?". I pouted.

" It's okay we'll spend time here". He pushed me gently aside and came inside. Plopping on my bed he picked up a package of a face mask. While chewing a chewing gum he was eyeing it with a confused face. " What's this Bella?".

I smirked as I got an idea. " Would you like to apply it?".

" Eww...No". He made a poker face.

" Sebastian, please... please...please. It will be so fun". I climbed on the bed next to him. As soon as he sat up trying to run away, I caught him and sat on his lap stopping him.

He seemed frozen in his place. He just stared at my face with widened eyes God knows why?.

I learned and pulled out the face mask from his hand and started applying it on his face. I pushed his hair back with one hand while tapping my fingers on his face with another one.

He didn't fight, didn't try to run, didn't even stop me just sat there like a statue.

" Done ". I was laughing as he was looking totally like a joker but my smile started fading away when I realised the closeness between us and also that I was actually sitting on his lap.

He suddenly threw me on the bed only to sneeze hard. I turned to see and started laughing, even more, harder as his face mask flew away because of his hard sneeze.

" Isabella? ". Both of us stood up in a second when we heard Mr. Sean's voice from outside the door. He knocked slowly.

" SEBASTIAN HIDEEEEE". Grabbing his wrist I pushed him behind the door. I was about to open the door but flinched a little when Sebastian pulled the face mask from my face and gave me a thumbs up.

I took a long breath before opening the door. Mr. Sean was standing there. Not gonna lie he was looking so handsome today. Seems like going somewhere.

" Isabella, I've to go somewhere. Don't go out until I'll come back okay?". I nodded immediately as soon as he completed the sentence.

He looked at me suspiciously and then behind me in my room before speaking again. " I repeat, Do. Not. Go. Outside". I nodded again.

As soon as he went I closed the door quickly and turned towards Sebastian with the same smirk as him. " LET'S GOOO...". We both shouted and gave high-fives to each other.


I and Bella reached a shopping mall to buy some left staff for our new home. I parked my car and we both made our way outside but Bella stopped me.

" Isn't that Sath's bike?". She asked pointing at a bike.

I scanned the bike it indeed was Sath's. I went closer to have a better view and noticed that two of the name stickers were missing. Sath had stuck three names stickers there before. 'SEAN, BELLA and SATH' with Bella in the middle of both of our names. But only Bella was left there now.

Sath, I and Bella used to study abroad together. Three of us were best friends and he also used to call her Bella. We secretly used to go on outings together three-seated on his bike as there wasn't permitted to go out of the hostel.

This was the same bike. But what is it doing here? I think about it for one more minute and then understood. " Sebastian". I mumbled.

" What?". Bella asked confused.

" Sebastian, Sath's brother must be using this now". I said and took her with me inside the mall. Bella was busy picking some sheets and all for our new home but my eyes were searching for Sebastian.

I'm 100% sure that Isabella is with him. I saw Sebastian in the mirror behind her in her room and that's why I strictly told her to don't go outside.

My head moves towards a giggling sound of a familiar voice. There they were, both were holding a big teddy bear in their hands and fighting with its paws.

A wide smile was spread on Isabella's face while Sebastian was busy adoring her. He always looks at her for an extra moment to be called just friends.

They are extremely blithe.

By the way, heads off. They reached here before us. But I didn't want to scold them for their careless behavior because I know how fun it is to secretly enjoy outgoing on that same bike.

I got an idea. I excused myself from Bella and went to stand behind them. They both were back facing me, still playing. I placed my mobile in my ear and act like I was talking on the phone. " Yes Erik, she's home. I just checked on her before coming here". I said a little loudly.

I noticed both of them froze on the spot.

" Did you hear something?". Sebastian asked still back facing me.

" I- I-" She got cut off by Sebastian's words.

" No, the right answer is no. NOW RUN ". Grabbing her wrist he dragged her with him outside. I laughed as they didn't even turn back to look once.


Everyone has that one person

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