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Sitting on the dining table I glanced at Isabella who was tapping a spoon in her soup bowl looking lost in her own world.

It's been three days since that incident with Sebastian. She is trying to pretend that she's alright but the sorrow in her eyes is betraying her.

I can't see her silent like this so I tried to approach Sebastian in every way possible so they can sort everything out, but failed. I even went to his house but a guard replied that they had sold their house around a year ago. That means Sebastian was living somewhere else since he came back to New York from England.

Now only a person can help me to find him. The one who's sitting in front of me. "Isabella". I called gaining a hmmm in response. Her eyes were still fixed down on the bowl, lips had a slight pout without her knowing.

" You know anything about Sebastian's friend circle?". Her head shoot up at my question.

" I- umm Mr. Sean look... Sebastian is a very short-tempered person. Please don't be mad at him. I'm sure he'll realise his mistake and-".

" Isabella". I cut her off in between. She just stared with pleading eyes as she thought I'll hurt Sebastian. " I just want to talk to him. Nothing else". Hearing me her shoulders relaxed. " You know any of his friends?". I asked.

She thought for a second before speaking. " Shawn Oberoi". My eyebrows crashed together at the familiar name. " Remember the boy who dropped you once when you were drun- I mean he was Sebastian's friend". She stuttered and my head bowed with shame recalling that night's memories.

" I remember ". I said nodding my head. Silence took place between us that I was fast to break. " Aren't you going to college today?". I asked.

" Luna isn't coming so I-". She bit her lower lip diverting her gaze making me chuckle internally This is what we used to do too.

I unwantedly left her and went to the office because of an important meeting. After the stressful meeting ended and I was quick to leave the office.

I went to that club and came to know that Shawn has left the country a week ago. Getting disappointed I was on my way back to my apartment but at the signal, my eyes caught a little flower shop.

I took a turn and went inside the shop. I purchased a rose bouquet for Isabella. I brought my nose closer to the bouquet and smelled it. I stepped out of the shop smiling at the mere thought of her grin when I'll give it to her.

Suddenly a hand met my shoulder, stopping me in my place. I moved my head up to see Sebastian. Here he is.

He had buried on the side of his lips that was gifted by me. He glanced at the bouquet in my hands before lifting his eyes to meet mine. " I need to talk to you. Follow me". He said slipping his hands in his pocket and turning to walk away.

This little shit. His attitude was touching the ninth cloud. I wanted to place another punch but I controlled myself and followed.

We took place in front of each other in a cafeteria near that bouquet shop. " So?". I placed the bouquet on the table and rested my back on the chair.

" Isabella". He paused for a while after taking her name. " Do you love her?". He asked looking straight into my eyes.

" That's none of your business-".

"It is". He said raising his eyebrows. " Do you love her or not?". He asked again.

" I do ". I replied.

His eyes darkened at my answer." How much?". He questioned.

" Enough to rip someone apart who even try to think about hurting her". My voice came out more bitter than I expected.

" Perfect". He replied making me frown. " You know I cried that night. For the first time after Seth's death".

For the first time since I met him, he shared something. Correction he said a proper sentence.

" For Isabella?". I asked sitting straight.

" For Isabella". He repeated my words nodding his head. " When I first got admission in the same class as her I came to know that she's related to you. Related to Sean Patterson. Related to Mirabella. Those two people I hated with the core of my heart".

My eyebrows crashed together at his words. His empty eyes were staring into mine.

" For what?". I asked.

" For not understanding my brother. You both were his heart, especially Mirabella. Whenever I used to call him he was like Bella, Sean, and I did this. Bella, Sean, and I did that. He used to share everything with me because I was close to him after both of you. One night he called me from the hostel room. The night you proposed Mirabella. He was sobbing. I still remember the words he said last time. He said he loves Mirabella. That she's not his anymore. That he lost her. That he sacrificed his love for his best friend. He apologized to me that night before taking his life. No one knew the reason except for me. He killed himself for you both. Only if you both have understood him a little he would be here. But no one did. I made my mind that day that I'll take revenge. That I'll take away all the happiness from your lives. And then I found out that Isabella is the princess of the Patterson family. I started bullying her, tochering her but she was always an angel. When I peep inside her ocean blue orbs I started to change. She pulled out the old Sebastian back from me. I forget everything. I have forgiven everyone because that's what she taught me. She's magical. I fell for her long ago. She became my Bella. Sebastian's Bella. She wasn't mine but sometimes I pretend that she wishes she was. I created that idea that she secretly wants me too. But I forgot that it was something I've made up. She never wanted me. She was never mine. I repeated my brother's mistake. Seth sacrificed his Bella for you. And I'm also going to sacrifice my Bella for you now".

" S-Seth never said that. How would we have known?". I asked.

" Sometimes we need to understand the silence". He lowly spoke.

" You both were wrong. You both should have expressed your feelings".

" Fact". He sighed. " Well, the only thing has left to say now is... she wasn't in my destiny because I know there's isn't a single soul who can love her more than I do. Not even you". He stood up. Picking up the flower bouquet he threw it in a dustbin near the table. " She's allergic to roses. Bring Lotus, it's her favorite". With that, he was about to pass by me but I stopped him.

" I'm sorry for raising my hand". I apologised standing in front of him. I know I shouldn't have raised my hand on him.

He turned with a small smile. " You did nothing wrong. I should have known my limits". He said looking down." I'm unable to face her now. Unable to talk to a person who was easiest to share my feelings with". He added.

" Sebastian, you have a huge part of her heart please know that. Go talk to her". I encouraged but his head was still bowing. " She's the fastest forgiver I have ever met".

I wanted to feel loved without feeling like I was begging for it.

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