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I squished the pillow tightly towards my chest before releasing it from my hold. I rolled to my right side and opened one of my eyes to see what are the noises about.

As my eyes adjusted to the lights and my vision got cleared, I saw Isabella. I smiled as she bent down to place something on the bed but all her hair slipped on her face.

I sat up didn't remember how I slept listening to her last night. I indeed got a good sleep after a long time as I finally apologized and she forgive me.

I followed her tiny figure with my eyes as she went inside the wardrobe and came out with her hands full of folded clothes. She glanced at me for a second before placing it inside a suitcase that I noticed now.

" Are you going somewhere?". I asked.

" One week have completed Mr. Sean. I'm going today". She answered chaining her suitcase up.

Putting the bag down on the floor she pulled out its handle and started taking it with her towards the door.

She turned to look at me, I was already staring with crashed eyebrows. " Mr. Sean, I have made breakfast. Your wallet is in the first draw, your mobile is still on charging, keys on the dining table. Don't forget to water the plants and...". She was reminding me of everything but I zoned out.

Is she really leaving?

" Don't go". I uttered making her stop speaking any further. I walked towards her and stood in front of her. " Please stay ".

" For what Mr. Sean?. Give me a reason". She said tiredly, leaving me speechless. " Mr. Sean just have a look around". She said narrowing her eyes around before again meeting my gaze that was fixed on her. " Everything in this house is about your Bella and Bella only. I'm nowhere". She shook her head like she's making me understand her words. " From all the frames hanging on the walls to the tattoo on your arm, everything is about your Bella. Your eyes, your acts, your every single word screams Bella. Look at this suitcase in my hand Mr. Sean all my belongings got adjusted in this. Nothing about me left here". Tears shimmered in her eyes. " Nothing". She breathed out. Wiping her tears she opened the door to walk outside but I grabbed her wrist and fell to my knees. She turned to face me but I was looking down.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did. Please don't go, Isabella. I beg you. I'll lose my mind if I'll be left alone here again. I promise I'll make everything alright. I'll try my best. I'll take off all her frame, everything that belongs to her. We'll change the apartment if you say. I'll get this tattoo erased. I'll- I'll never take her name in front of you. Please give me a chance, I'll change myself. I'll give you everything Please". I begged.

" That's not what I want. I never asked you to not think about her or love her anymore. I know she was the best part of your life and now the best memory. I never asked her place in your heart. I just wanted mine. I just wanted you to give me what I deserve. A little respect nothing else. But this house and you both have nothing for me".

She released her wrist from my hold and walked outside the room. I glanced up as she stopped at the main door. " Goodbye, Mr. Sean". She didn't turn but I felt her voice coming out shaky. Slowly she disappeared from my sight.

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