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Four had lead us to the dinning hall to have lunch with our new faction.

"Whoa!" jack says looking like a lost child in a candy shop, "that's a lot of people in Dauntless"Sophia say while finding us a table to sit at and thank god she found one by the centre were sunlight is poking out from the glass above. we all sat down, Christina was on my right and Sophia was across from so we can talk better, until two boys ask if they can sit with us."hey, may we sit with you? and their is hardly any tables left, please" we nod and Christina says" I'm Christina, that's Sophia and tris" I glare at Christina from my side until I hear someone sat down at my left side and it was Four. the boys finally says " I'm jack and that is John" Four stares at us for a second and looks his at his food. jack says "so Christina, Sophia and tris what factions did you guys came from?" the three of us look at each other, then Four says" I don't want to hear you guys talk about your old factions, this is your new home now"he snapped a little and we all look at him, then jack says "sorry Four" then jack made a sad face but when back to smiling again at us.

Some one had put a bin of food in front of us. so I grab the yellow looking balls of food, then put it on my plat, then Christina spotted me poking at the yellow balls " what?" I looked confused"um...have you ate popcorn before?" Christina says and I was about to say something until Four beat me to it..." stiffs don't eat popcorn, they eat pale food" Four says while looking down at his. Christina says"oh..." I look at Sophia there in front of me, she just sit there look at me to Four to Christina to Jack to John and back to me "um...Sophia are you ok?"I say, while she looks down and looks back up to me, "ya....um...i miss my family but I will be fine" Sophia says and she started to smile again, until John says" tris, Christina, Sophia and jack. why don't we be friends?" we all look at each other and smile at each other, then we all look at John and nod, until Four pops up his head and looked at us."There will training tomorrow, got it" we all look at him and nod very fast.

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