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Next day...

Four had lead us to this room that had dark grey walls and a lot benches so we can sit and wait for the first person to go..."alice, your up first" Four say and it took while for me to go in to the room were everyone has been in exact me because Four was going by last names. I was board out of my mind, so I started to stare at my shoes and I stated to think... what fears do I have?, what do I have to do?" Tris Prior" Four says while he was opening the door for me to come in, I got up and I start toward the door until he grab my arm for a second," so this is your first time to go in your landscape" then he lets go of me " sit " he says as he was pointing at the chair that looks like the one I just sat in for my test " alright, so how does this work?" I ask as I sat in the chair and started starring at my shoes "each fear will be like a stage were you have to figure out what is going on and to pass it is going to be tricky but you have to find a way to pass it to go to the next stage and face the other fears also" Four says as he grabs a needle and handed me the serum "that's it?" I say while I was looking at the serum in my hand" yes that is, but it won't be easy to get through them, Tris"he says while he was come over to me, so he can jab the needle in the side of my neck and then I drank the serum that Four gave me, then Four put electrode on one of my temples and he put one on his temple also and then he says "be brave Tris"I close my eyes as it begins...

I woke up to being outside and I heard something but I can't hear it right" so this gotta be easy" until a giant flock of ravens came at me! "oh no!" what am I suppose to do?, is this my fear? I stand still as the birds sat on a random tree, looking at me like I was food or something until I turn my head for a second and then I look back, the birds started flying towards me and I didn't know what to do!, so I started to run the other way and I stepped in some mud, so my shoe got suck and I tried to pull my shoe out and then my other shoe got suck in the mud also until one raven sat on head and started pecking me on the head, so I hit the bird until more came at me and they were clawing my arms, my head and my face, Then my legs go limp and I fell on to the ground and there were water by my head.so I dunk my hand in it and it felt like nothing but cold and then the birds flew on my body and started clawing and pecking at me, so I fell in to the water that was beside me... until I woke up......

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