Swore in the sky

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We all got change and I met everyone at this building called the Haycock building and all of us rush to the stairs until someone put there hand on my shoulder" hey, my name is name Zeke and by any chance you will be zip lining?." "ya, this gotta be fun." "it will be even more fun when your going down it." "oh I'm tris by the way and awesome." I walk out of the Building and I was standing on a plat form made of stone and I started to were the others are until I heard someone says" transfers go first!" And I walk over to the ledge, I look down and I saw a line that leads all the down to the ground" who wants to go first?!" someone say again and I saw Sophia walk over first and she jump a little to get in the straps,then she looks back and let out a smile" have fun Sophia!" Christina say as Zeke push Sophia off into the wind...

There were only three people left and they are... me, Zeke and another boy," um... Tris, this is my little brother Uriah." "nice to meet you Uriah, I'm Tris." " Ya you to, um Zeke who going next?." "why don't we let Tris go first even thou she is a transfer after all." "sure Zeke" I say as I make my way to the ledge that had the zip lining stuff and Zeke got the zip lining straps" hop in Tris" Zeke says while giving me a hand to get in the straps and I when face first to feel the cool night wind on my face" your ready to go Tris" Zeke say as I nod" alright!, can you give me a push?!" I say as Zeke was about to push me until Uriah say " Tris, don't forget the break be hide you to make sure you stop at the bottom" I nod "k, Zeke can you give me a push now?!" I say as Zeke push me in to the wind "thanks Zeke!" I say as I started to go....

I feel like I'm flying in the sky as I bird and then I let out a scream" WHOO HOO!" I feel alive even more!, I can't believe that I'm doing this, Zeke was right about this being more fun when your going down from a really high building to the ground and I notice a building that have glass on it still, then I look at my self in the windows and I look and feel like a bird, I feel like I'm sworing in the sky like a real bird and this feel pretty amazing and then I notice that I was coming hot! and I hear people yelling!" grab the breaks!" they all say and I did try to grab the breaks and they keep on yelling" GRAB THE BREAKS!!!" and I finally grab the breaks and I pulled it down and I started to slow down, I finally stop until I almost crash in to a wall and I look down and everyone made a net out of there arms and I see Four" Tris, just fall in to our arms and we will catch you!" Four say, aww... I miss it already that I felt like a real bird "alright Four!" I say as I started to unstrap my self and then PLOP! I just landed on some strong, musclier arms of dauntless, transfers and four's arm, then they let me down easy and I have a happy smile on me face and then I see Four is coming at me" hi Tris." "oh hi Four." "did you had fun?." "I sure did!." he lets out a little laugh" great and I told you I would come out tonight Tris." "awesome, and I met two guys." " who are they?" "their names are Zeke and Uriah." "Ah those two, Zeke is my fellow initiate and friend, then Uriah is his little brother and your fellow initiate even thou he is born." "really?." Why does Four have to be cute!" ya and we all should head back to the compound." me, Four and the others headed back to the compound" so Tris, did you had fun zip lining?." " I really had fun, I felt like I was a bird and I also felt like I was sworing though the sky to." "oh, you did?." " I sure did, Four and it was wonderful." We were the last ones outside,"so Tris, are you for sure that we will run after a train tomorrow night?." " Ya, I'm for sure four." " great and tomorrow all the transfers and borns have a week off, so you can learn how to over come your fears the next time you go into it again." "what do you mean that I have to go back in my landscape again?." " well, you and the others go back in your landscape two more times and then the last one will be in front of the dauntless." "wow." "it's not so bad." "meh..i should head back to the dormary Four." "ya, and before we run after a train, I want to show you something first." what is it that he want to show?" alright Four, were should we meet then?" I say as Four opens a door for the both of us "um..i didn't even think of that" Four say while he lets out a short laugh " wait, since we are both leaving after dinner, why don't we meet by the doors that leads in to the dinning hall?" I say as I wiggled my nose " sounds likes a plan then" he say as he wiggled he nose in a mocking way like me" oh stop mocking me!" I say as he tickle me a little on the back of my neck and I begin to laugh" well, I will see you tomorrow night then Tris" he say as he stop tickling me and walks away" night Four!" I yelled a little in the hallway, then I turn around and I head to the dormary....

I was walking in this hallway and I have a weird feeling about this until I was....

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