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I was grab by three people with dark masks on and one of them cover my month so I won't scream at the top of my my lungs,then I notice that smell before and it smells like mango-strawberry soap and fresh air. I have enough so I lick the person and then I bit that person hand so hard that I left marks and the person Lost it grip and I managed to get one of my hands free and then I rip off the person mask and it was John, then I stared at him until I got whipped to the wall and I got drag by the other two people" YOUR FUCKING HEAVY TRIS!" one of them says as John tied my month shut and then one of them put a pillow case on my head so I don't know were their taking me but I can't believe John would do something like this but who Are the other two? then I hear some one voice and I bet who it is" hurry up Ethan!" it's Tyson voice and then the pillow case came off and I notice that I was by the chasm but my month was still tied up and then I got whip to a wall again but this time it was a harder whip and I fell to the ground until Tyson comes close to me, I was hurting pretty bad and then Tyson ties my hands together" this is for your own good TRIS!" Tyson says as he drags me to the edge of the chasm and he puts his hand around my neck but I managed to get my hands free and I started to claw his arms but it didn't work until I started to lose air and then I also managed to untie the the towel that was around my month and I let out a scream that was so loud that John and Ethan had to cover their ears and I heard foot steps coming to us and I got whipped again but this time it was the floor, then I heard a bam and something or someone got hit by the pole fence and then I see Four fighting Tyson, Ethan and my backs stabbing so call friend John until my eyes when blur a little and I see Four pick me up but I don't know were he taking me and then Four says "Tris, you can rest on my shoulder until I find somewhere safe to put you for now" I nod very slowly but my head kept on throbbing and pain everywhere on me when I was whipped several times by Tyson....

I woke up by Four when he was running and I was still in his arms but the throbbing pain in my head was gone but the pain in my body was still their"ouch" I say quietly, then he stop run and looks down at me "are you ok Tris?" He says as I am still in his arm, the embrace he has me feel comfortable in his arms "ya, but a little swore" I say quietly while Four takes a deep breath" what did Tyson do to you?" Four says as he shifts me a little in his arms "I got thrown to a lot of walls and his buddy tied my month while John had me in a tight embrace and then Tyson tied my hands and then and the-" Four cuts me of" Tris, I'm taking you back to my place to rest for the night, so anything won't happen in the dormary with him there" Four says as his dark blue eye shine in the moon light" thank you for rescuing me Four." "your welcome tris." "can I try to walk for a little?." "sure." he lifted my down lightly and I started to walk at his side" so Four are we still up for the train thing?" I say as I turn my head to him as we walk" ya but you have to take it easy for now" he says as we reach to his place and unlocks his door " you can rest in my bed and I will take the floor to keep an I eye on you alright." "ok" I say weakly "tris, do you want anything to eat or drink?" he say as he walks to his small kitchen" may I have some water please" I say as I found his sofa to sit on, then he comes back were I'm siting and he puts my cup if water on his coffee table" thanks for rescuing me Four" then he looks at me" who were those other besides Tyson" Four say as he got up from the sofa and headed to the Plat form that have a fence, I got up were I was sitting and I follow him out there" one of them is Tyson buddy Ethan and the other is my back stabbing so call friend" I say I started to stand in the door way "who is it then?" Four says as he turns head at me" well John" John is no more my friend and he even has the nerve to do that to me and all I just want to do is is is cry! I start to tear up and I sat in the corner that was a few feet away from Four until Four notice me and he walks over "what's wrong?." "Oh it's noting Four." "there has to be." "I'm just just upset that my own friend when and back stabbed me for no reason." "Tris, there is no reason to be." " why did I ever be his friend now since he gang up on me with Tyson." Four reach out one of his hands for me to grab and I did. "Tris, may be he was envy that you came in first place." maybe he did but John! he was a good friend and he gang up with Tyson, now since he did, I don't know what to do!

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