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I had woken up and Four was just siting there and looking at me, what is he think? " how did you make the water pop up out of nowhere?" he asked and then I stiffen by the way he had said that" I don't no know" he is still looking at me " don't lie Tris" what is he talking about? " Tris, I know you were aware in your landscape and that means one thing" no! does he know that I am divergent? but how?" Tris, you have to be careful" how does he know what I am?" how do you what I'm am?" I says while I was looking confuse" I know because you were aware in your landscape and I can tell that you were aware but the point is that you have to keep it hidden so Jeanine Matthew don't find out and kill you" whoa!, how can I trust him? will he tell Eric and everyone else that I'm divergent and then get my self killed? "I know Four and will you keep it a secret please will ya?" I say as I was looking at him like I was shock... after few mins of silent I had to break it" please Four please!" he looks at me "fine but you are not safe here Tris, why did you chose this faction anyway?" I begin to stiffen agains" um... I chose this faction because I wasn't selfless enough and I want to be free" I says as I was starring at my shoes" so that is why you left abnegation" he says" ya, and my bother kept snapping on at me if I wouldn't do what I was told" I say as I frowned" I should go Four" as I start toward the door" Tris" he says" do you want to hang out together tomorrow?. " " sure Four"I say while I smiled a little "and Tris, the ranking will be posted after dinner, alright." " Alright then Four, well seeya at dinner then" I laugh a little as I headed to the hallway....

I started to think about Four until I was stopped by Christina and she ran toward me and I got her when she almost fell" Christina what's the rush?" I say" ranks... will... be... posted... after... dinner!" while she says as she was caught her breath" ya I already know Christina, Four told me a hour ago" she started to pull me towards the dormary" why did we come here for?" I say as I was still being pulled to my and cot" your gotten put makeup on, so the guys will think that their is something different about you." "Christina, why do you care the way I look now?" I say as I sat on her cot" well I do because that what friends do and your gotten show off a little of your chest and I also bet Four will notice also,Tris" as she grab a dark shirt that had a low V and some dark skinny jeans" go try these on Tris and I bet it will show your tattoo also"why do I really have to put these on and get notice by the guys and Four?." "I don't know but right now is like the time to get dress and change after CUZ WE ARE GOING ZIP LINING with the guys and I bet Four will be there to" as I when to change in the bathroom I heard some one talking to Christina"Christina where's Tris?"I know that voice and its Four"oh she is in there and I'm putting makeup on her a little, it won't take lot and how come your here?"I rush out of the bathroom and I saw Christina face lit up and Four started to stare at me as I walk over to Christina" as I was about to say, tris do you want to walk to the dinning hall with me?"I nod" sure Four but can Christina put makeup on me first?" he nod and he sat on my cot as I sat on Christina cot again while I turn to my side and she started to put eyeliner, some eyeshadow and mascara until she was done that part and says" your done and now look at your self "where's the mirror and how do I look?" Christina face once again lit up and Four smile" you look great tris" Four say and then I look at Christina" you look hot Tris." Thank you Christina for the makeup and ready Four?"I got up from Christina cot and Four got up from my cot until Christina says"I will meet you two down there in a few alright" I nod and I gave Christina a quick hug and she smile and I waved goodbye...

Me and Four started walking in silence until he had the chance to break it" Tris, are you free tonight?"I shack my head" I'm going zip lining with the others transfers and some of the other dauntless" Christina was right about me looking hot, it had gotten dark outside, as we pass a window and I got a quick look at my self in the window, man! Christina was right" Tris, I was thinking, since you have six fears, I though that everyone call you six" he laughed a little" oh that would be nice but I would keep the one I already have Four" as I say while I smiled and laugh a little too" so are you coming to zip line tonight" I say and then we reach the dinning hall" don't you remember about the other night, were I climbed the fair-wheel with you and I told you that I have a fear of highs." "Sorry I forgot about that part" I say as I frown until he put his hand on my shoulder" it's ok and I would never go zip lining Tris but I would like to run after a train with some one lik-" I cut him off "to run after train with someone?" I say as his hand is still on my shoulder" ya and that someone is in front of me right now" does he mean me? " me?." "Yes you, tris, I find you interesting." "Really?" I say while I started to stare at my shoes"ya and when do you want to run after a train with me?" He say as he is smiling kindly at me" how about tomorrow night,Four?" I say as he remove his hand from my shoulder" ok, why don't we leave right after dinner with each other" I nod" sounds great" I say as we both enter the dinning hall....

I saw Christina on the other side of the table beside John, why is she siting beside him?, I don't care but it seems strange... I finally made my way to the table the everyone was siting at and I sat down beside Sophia" hey Tris, what took you so long" Christina says while she was stabbing a piece of green beans.
" Christina , you were right about this" and then jack, John and Sophia stared at me "what did you do tris?" Sophia asks" oh nothing, Christina letting me wear these cloths and she putted makeup on me" I heard some one sat on my left, it was Four" hey guys" he says and then we all say" hi Four." " so jack, tris told me that all of you and some of the dauntless are going zip lining tonight?." "ya Four and it is going to be fun." Jack says
" Four, are you coming tonight?"Sophia says and something kick me under the table, so I back up to look at what kick me and it happen again, it was Four that kick me,I look up and I move closer to the table, I look at Four and he say"I don't want to zip Line but I'll watch from the bottom were everyone will be getting off" I nod" but I thou-" and Christina cut me off, "oh ok Four but it is really going to be fun when your going down it." "Well I'll just watch from the bottom guys"he says while he turn he head facing me" um..." I say as I stiffen and everyone is looking at me, I think I just sat there and not talking" why is everyone looking at me for?." " You are just siting there and doing nothing." "Oh sorry, I got lost in thought" I say as I pick up my cup and then I take a sip until John took my cup and ran away with it" what the heck! John!"
Why did he took my cup...should I grab his cup and dump it on him? I rush back to the table were everyone was and I grab his cup, then he sneaked up behind me...
Splash! he just threw my cup of water at me and now my back is wet, then I turn around and I got him back by splashed his water back at him face first and I rushed behind Four" tris why are you hinging behind me for!" Four say as his push me out from behind him while he was laughing" I threw his water face first at him."" TRIS! YOUR GETTEN GET!" John say as he was smiling at me "well John!, you started it and you got my back wet! also John I was GOING to wear these cloths to zip line!" I say while laughing"awe tris wris is all wet" John say while he made a sad face and then when back to smiling again at me and I turn to look at the others, then they all died in laughing and even Four died in laughing. then I turn around and I rush behind john and I did a sneak attack by jumping on his back" ha!" I say as I was still on his back and I jump down quickly, then he stubble on his feet"Tris!" And I rush back to sit at the table, I sat quickly and John gave me my cup back and I gave his cup back" oh tris thanks for that drink of water." "OH! your welcome John!." I got to ambit it was funny and then we all laugh, we all finish our dinner and me, Christina, Sophia, Jack, John and Four heard a noise and it was Eric that was standing on a table "everyone!"Eric says" I'm here to say is the ranking are finally posted at this wall behind me!" then we all look at the wall that had the rankings on it and it reads : 10.Sophia
And then I saw my name FRIST! 1.Tris, I'm in shock! i didn't knew it that I had it Inside myself to get first place and Christina, Sophia, Jack and John were so happy that they saw their names and for me, I'm still in shock until someone put their hand on my shoulder from the side of me" congrats Tris, you did really good" and it was Four that put his hand on my shoulder" thanks Four" i say and I hugged Four and I rush over to Christina and Sophia cheered so loud that my ears are might bleed but whatever I MADE IT FIRST!" now to do is to zip line!" Sophia says as we hugged " let's head back to the dormary to get ready for it then" Christina say as we waved good-bye and we all
left to go to the dormary and Four left to chill with his friends and we all left it to meet each other at the zip lining...

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