Ew blue

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I hear sometime and it is Tobias alarm clock "oh shit!" as I jumped out of tobias's bed and I notice that Tobias was laying beside me for the rest of the night. gosh he looks so hot when he asleep.I started to look around for paper and a pen then sidedly I found a piece of paper a and a pen and I wrote: Tobias,
I am now heading to Erudite headqrautes but first heading to the dormitory to get change and then I am heading to the Erudite headqrautes and I should be back by noon ish I hope.
Then I took the letter and place it on the end table that was a few inches way from the bed and I headed out the door with no shoes cuz I was tug out of bed and see John but I am not gotten think about of that last thought and I started down the stairs of Tobias place and I finally made my way out and started back to the compound to get change and put on some shoes and make my way to the erudite....

I am in the dormitory and I got change in to something comfy like a nice dark brand new tights and a nice dark brand new tank top that Shauna had me to buy it from the shop and I also put on my training jacket and my dark grey abnegation shoes, I place a knife that I stole from the training room in my pocket for safety reasons and I put my hair in a messes ponytail and I hurry out of the dormitory so no one wont see me heading out...

I finally arrive at the train tracks then thank god a train started to come and I started to run and I finally got up to the train and I land on a ledge that was one inch away from the door and I press a button that opens the train door and I swing my self inside the train and it takes me like 5-10 mins to arrive at Erudite headquarters and I took a step back and leaped out of the moving train and I landed on my feet and I rush toward the main building to meet someone. Caleb. I quickly doge a lot of people and I rush to a building that my mom told me to go to and talk to Caleb....

I kept on asking where is Caleb and finally someone told me that he was on the top floor of this really high building...
finally I made it to the top floor and I yelled"CALEB!" Caleb notices me from his desk and walks over to but I started at him and give him a great big hug" Beatrice, what are you doing here?" when we break apart from that hug" I have something to tell you but we need somewhere that is quite."
"Alright, I know where, just follow me, ok Beatrice" as he started to walk to a quite place for us to talk secretly and he finally found one" in here" he says as he opens a random door and then we both walk in and he closes it be hide me" so what do you want?" he says as he looks up and down at me and looks back at my eyes"k, this is going to be hard for me to say so here is the sort form, I was doing a drop off and pick up with my friends an-" then he cuts me off" you have friends?" he says as he smirked at me" yes I do and as I was saying that I saw something shinny and it lead me to mom" then Caleb looks stunned" wait wait wait, you saw mom." " yes I did and she told me to tell you to research the serums please." "why should i?." "cuz your my family but if you don't, I wil-" then I get cut off again" what will you do little girl." did he just call little girl?!, well I know how to use a gun. throw a knife and to fight. then I grab Caleb and I pin him to the wall and I pull out my knife from my pocket and put it close to his face" Caleb, all I'm asking is for you to do some research and your making it hard to the point that I pin you to the wall and DON'T CALL ME A LITTLE GIRL!" I haft yelled and haft talked lightly"put me down now Beatrice!" he winces "fine but you have to research the serums when I'm gone and you better start soon" I say as I lifted him down and back on to the ground"alright, alright I will and now chill Beatrice" as Caleb opens the door and we both head out...

I finally made my way to the stairs until someone grab me by my elbow"um miss please come with us for a min" the man say and then I stomp on the guy foot and I elbow the both of them in the face until I see. Jeanine." ah.. you two can let her go now and come with me Beatrice" I nod and they let me go and I follow her to her office" please Beatrice have a seat" she points to a chair that was in front of her" why do you want to talk to me and I don't want to talk right now because I'm in a mood." "Beatrice, please calm down and would you like a cup of tea?" she asks me a I sat in the chair" thank you but no, I should be on my way thank you very much" I say as I sit back in the chair" alright and I have a favour to ask you." "what is?." "I need your help with something and I want you to help." "fine" I say as I hide my hand under my pants and I twisted my two finger cuz I am lying to her" alright and thank you, you may go now" I nod and got up from where I was siting and I head out though the doors and made my way out side and I also head to the tracks and made my way in the train and I am now on the train that is taking me to the compound.....

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