Dai 1 shō

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"Bullets ring, each embedding itself in me, killing what is already dead, you may kill me, but never my legacy.” The man, clothed in exotic black clothing, bound in front of the firing line said, laughing evilly as one by one the bullets shredded him. "Burn the heretic’s body, it will only contaminate the area around it." One of the guards said nodding to the bloodied body, tossing the first of the torches. “It's fascinating, even in death this man’s words echo through time itself. " The being who was reading the execution report said. although humanoid, the being was heavily tanned, muscled and had two pure red horns coming from their forehead. “Of course they do, he was the first to stand up against the church of golden blessings.” A small person with downward pointing pointed ears, said with more than a hint of hate at the name of the church of golden blessings. “You do know that if we get caught saying that here, the people of this establishment will kill us.” A person with cat ears and a cat tail said, then leaned close and said “I had to say that, though our disguises are holding, even humans would be overly cautious saying the church’s name with such hatred.”  “Yu do n’ow that yu could r’move the tome fr’m t’is place if yu feel that way about it.” A bespectacled child said walking up to the group. “Do your parents know that you are advising this?” The tanned being snarled in the tone of an average adult in Areche. “Fool, I own  t’is place.” The kid said, smacking them in the face with a book. “I a draugher, a bi-product of failed exper’ments of the church of golden blessings, but still allowed to live with tasks such as t’is.” He continued on. “Go, take t’is tome from its confines of a country contr’led by the cgb.” Laughing, an armored man clamped his hand on the draugher’s shoulder. “I knew you were getting soft in your duties, Claremont, but you continue to surprise me.” The man said, clapping his hands, bringing a group of heavily armed soldiers rushing in. “Think these saps and the draugher need to learn a lesson, don’t you?” 

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