“What do you mean, ‘The CGB has found this town’ for all I know, you could be a spy working for them.” A burly ogre growled. Rue lept at him, drawing one of their blades, holding it to the throat of the ogre. “You will listen to me, Einkapf told me that you're the best bet of getting the town to listen to this dire warning.” Rue snarled. A second ogre rushed forward, trying to get Rue off their leader’s back, failing at every attempt, unable to grab the nimble Rue. “Enough, you’re not doing any good. Very well, cat human, I’ll listen, for Einkapf’s sake.” The ogre finally said, Rue dropping from their formidable frame. Immediately a swarm of ogres rushed forward, trying to get ahold of Rue, missing their every grasp. “Sir, CGB forces are encroaching upon our borders.” One of the guards stated, issuing a lull in the tussle, in which Rue made their escape. “Very well, issue a counter-force.” The ogre’s leader said, sighing in sheer disappointment. “I’ll lead them, for there is no way they can manage it themselves.” He continued, beginning to gather his war accessories. “The Ogres are preparing for war, gather our troops, the CGB encroach on our lands as well, we shall aid our allies!” The lizardmen leader shouted, grabbing his trident. “The ogres and lizardmen are preparing for war.” Iris noted, drifting down from her lofty vantage point. “And Rue?” Einkapf asked. “Nowhere to be seen.” Iris responded. “This is not good, but we must continue on to the town, a small group of named individuals such as us are easy pickings for the CGB.” She continued. “I aree, if a singl par’y of humans fin a grou of named monster or demihuman specis, nine out of ten tims it will end in massacre.” Claremont added.
General FictionThe dangers of a world bound in cruel religious doctrine become lessons in bravery.