Dai 2 shō

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“The draugher goes first.” A woman in brilliant golden armor said coldly. The other soldiers pulled Claremont forward and began ruthlessly beating him with their blades, apparently oblivious to the side they used. “Take the golden one.” The tan being nodded at the downward pointing pointed ear being. “I’ll take the captain.”  the cat eared person said. *if yu ar sure yu want to du t’is, I can handle th’se soldiers.* Claremont seemed to say. “Now!” The tanned being yelled, pulling their katana from it’s sheathe. Claremont grabbed one of the soldiers swords by the blade and tore it from their grasp, the cat person drew several throwing knifes, and the downward pointing pointed ear being produced a heavy longsword from thin air. The battle was needless to say short, as throwing knifes found their targets, swords gashed deep wounds and the longsword drove enemies into the relentless strikes from the katana. “Well, can’t use these disguises no more.” The downward pointing pointed ear being said, dropping the disguise spell. “Yu’r beastkin.” Claremont exclaimed, nervously. “Yes, delegates from the ogres, halflings and cat-people.” The tanned being said. “You forgot I was here, how sad.” Suddenly the air simmered, erupting into a fiery burst of light, causing temporary blindness. Standing in the center of the burst was a being that resembled an angel up to the halo, but with a notable difference, it had giant scaly bat-wings. “A-a-a holy dragonkin knight.” Claremont exclaimed, being the first to be able to see the being. “Intewesting, a gwoup consisting of membews of thwee majow beastkin kingdoms sneaking into a human city to study it’s lowe. what awe chur names?” The dragonkin said, dropping all pretenses of serious conversation. “You must have been mistaken, clearly she isn’t a dragonkin knight. Look, the halo is crown-like. Where are your handlers?” The halfling asked. “Handlers?” “Yes, that was the condition that you could come with us, you had to have at least two guards with you at all times.”  “Iris, where are your handlers?” the cat-person asked. Iris just shrugged.

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