dai 10 shō

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“Cyclopean guards, and who knows what else, those idiots in their armor underestimate the power of named creatures, without a name, one might as well be a stone to skip, but one with a name is like a boulder you can’t lift.” A woman in mages clothing muttered to her party. “Interesting, and I take it you’re here to soften their defenses?” A voice asked from the overgrowth. The party drew their weapons. “Who’s there?” A man in platemail asked warily, drawing his blade. “Unless you hold hostility towards named beings, you can put those weapons away.” The voice replied. “We’re not putting our weapons away until we can identify you.” The woman in mages clothing said sharply, aiming her staff towards the voice. Suddenly an arrow struck the tree next to her, causing her to flinch from her position. “Now, was that really necessary?” A second man pined, staring at the arrow just above him. “Was it necessary for the mage in your group to point her staff towards me?” The voice replied with a hint of sarcasm. “Come, if you had ill will towards us you would have killed him, so come, let us talk.” The mage said, recovering from her shock. The overgrowth went quiet, and an ethereal being appeared and took the arrow from the tree. “You’re a dryad.” The man in platemail stammered. “No, she’s a dryad, and I’m sorry for harming you.” The voice said, a shadowy being appearing and bowing to the dryad, who just glared at the being before returning to her tree. “You’re the first humans I’ve seen here, so what are you doing here?” The shadowy figure asked. “The first humans? But that can’t be true, a friend of ours is supposed to be living with named monsters.” The diminutive man stuttered. “Quit bothering non hostile beings, there will be plenty of beings you can bother soon.” A second voice came from the overgrowth. “But master.” The first voice started. “No, go, prepare for those who wish to raze these lands.” “Elra!” The woman shouted, aiming for the second voice with arms outstretched, grabbing ahold of the older woman. “Oh dear, your eyesight must be worse then mine.” Elra laughed, stepping out of the darkness a good foot away from the woman. The woman opened her eyes slowly, and backpedaled as the being she hugged reached for it’s weapons. “Calm, Rue, it was surely a mistake.” Elra said, still laughing. Rue shook their head. “Since when have you had helpers.” The woman asked Elra, as she embraced the old woman.  

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