“Why won’t you just lay down your weapons and let us kill you, it’s a favor from your old friend.” Dere shouted angrily. “Old friend?!” Ron yelled. “You have forfeited that title.” He continued. The armed soldiers looked between the two groups, obviously confused and waiting for orders. “Fine, if you chose this hill to die on, so be it.” Dere said, pointing to Ron’s group and drawing his thumb across his neck. “How, I didn’t think he could be capable of this.” Rachel said, sagging further in Rue’s arms. “Oath, do what nyou do best.” Rue shouted, causing Dere to turn towards the two. “I see, your friends distracted us while you freed Rachel, kill the monsters and the traitor, I’ve got these two.” Dere said, drawing his own sword. The foot soldiers charged the group as the elven archers fired arrows upon them. “Oh have I waited to kill you.” Dere said, examining Rue. “Good luck, nyou’ll need it.” Rue replied. “Such fire, it’s a shame you picked the path you did.” Dere said, launching himself towards the two. He didn’t get too far, the blade of his sword crashing against Rue’s scythe. “The goddess of death only favors beings about to die.” Dere shot as he attempted to get a strike in again. “And other deities.” Rue said simply. Dere’s face shifted from a look of calm composure to that of uncertain fear as he put more power into his swings. Rachel’s eyes widened from her position, sitting beneath a tree. An arrow buzzed towards Rachel, the result of one of the elven archers firing upon the weak sorceress. There was a blur of motion as the arrow was reduced to splinters seconds away from it’s target, pausing to reveal two daggers clutched in a single hand, that of Rue. “How?” Dere said, faltering. “I’d rather get rid of nyou myself, but, I nyink nyou have unfinished business with nyose nyou convinced nyat nyou were friends with.” Rue said, glaring at the man. “You’ll let me live then, you’ll let your enemy live?” Dere asked. “No, but I will not kill nyou.” Rue replied. “That’s your mistake.” Dere said, lunging towards Rue. Rue stepped back, avoiding the attack, flicking a green dart into Dere’s leg with a quick movement. “You dare to poison me?” Dere asked angrily. “Oh, nyou are mistaken, nyat is not poison.” Rue said, a smile on her face as she watched him drop to the ground unconscious. Across the clearing Oathbreaker and the others were forced into defensive positions by the opposing force. A force similar to a tornado appeared, tearing through the ground as it sped towards the clearing. All three groups were forced to flatten themselves to the ground as the force settled in the center of the clearing. “Larr di vog me ala gos.” A voice said, power surging through every word. If any in that clearing had looked up, they would have seen an enormous emerald wyrm, glowing harshly in the dimness of the forest, looking around the clearing. Rue moved Dere away from the beast, marking him as not a current target. “Larr ni bel nea los.” Oathbreaker whispered across the clearing, the wyrm looking at her and emitting a bone chilling roar. The clattering of skeletons could be heard in response to the roar, presumably running from the wyrm. A harsh green light befell upon the clearing, smoldering as it touched it’s targets, who screamed as they were reduced to ash.

General FictionThe dangers of a world bound in cruel religious doctrine become lessons in bravery.