dai 22 shō

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“Not only did we lose the best possible chance to succeed in that plan, but we’ve been sent to retrieve Iris, and if that fails, join her in a last ditch effort.” Krom bellowed, shaking his massive head. “Tell me about it, Iris definitely won’t back down.” Einkapf muttered. “Why?” Iris asked, landing behind Rue. “Why what, why did I leave, to protect nyou, nyough perhaps I was cowardly, nyen again, what could I do elsewise to keep nyou guys alive when nyis plan came to fruition? I may be a deity, but I don’t play with people's lives like the others, don’t get the wrong idea, I do care, and because of nyat I left.” Rue shot back, terror etching their words. “How did nyou even find me in nyis place?” Rue continued. “It was were you came from during the battle, what happened here that you return.” Iris asked, looking around the wasteland. “Nyis place wasn’t  a wasteland before.” Rue began, “Nyis was the place where I found myself after being kicked out, after the incident in the lands of the cat humans, a beautiful forest, home to the dryads and, and a kindly old woman who’s shack stood in a meadow. Nyis woman was a mage, learning from the dryads, she took me in when I had nowhere else to go, treated me as her child. An adventure party showed up one day, speaking of an attack against the local fort, the one we were in yesterday. Together we bolstered defenses, the mage even fortified her magic with the help of a younger mage, but in the end it didn’t save any of their lives. The adventure party disappeared into the smoke and flames, followed by the clash of blades. Nyen a man rode in on horseback, sword brandished. The mage held her ground, but eventually was cut down, all while I remained on the ground, unable to move due to the smoke and heat.” Rue continued. “Don't nyou see now, nyat is terror we’re facing, the kind of nying nyat does not care for even nyeir own kind, only the unbridled aggression towards anything living.” “Why were you cast out to begin with?” Iris asked. “Because I wouldn’t stop visiting nyour plane of existence, I favored the creatures nyat worshiped me in ways nyat other deities would nyink of as ungodly. Nyey decided nyat if I really wanted to be with my followers, nyat I would be cursed to walk among nyem as an equal.” Rue replied.

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