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I woke up with the smell of fried bacon and eggs, my sister is useful some times. I check the clock and it says 10 minutes past 8 in the morning so I decided to take a bath and prepare for work.

"Hey sis, I cooked some, you should eat first before going to work" My sister said as she saw me walking out of my room. We ate silently and I gave her some money she could spend while I'm at work though she would be just here watching Netflix all day to avoid her ex-boyfriend that was still bothering her. How dare that guy cheat on my sister???

I never condone cheating. Why cheat if you can honestly and directly tell your partner you don't love her or him anymore? When someone's cheated on by their partner, they're often left asking: why? How could someone they trusted and loved - and who they thought loved them back – betray them in such a shocking and hurtful way? There's usually not only a sense of anger and upset, but also total disbelief.

There are many factors why people cheat though it is not a valid reason to cheat! Ghad! When you feel the disconnection between you and your partner, tell him/her. A sense of disconnection from one's partner can happen for a variety of reasons. There may be a lack of proper communication in the relationship (talking about specific issues or just generally keeping in touch about how you feel). Or life may have become dominated by work or looking after kids, so time together has become more functional than loving. Everything can be done with good communication, I guess?

Is Matt insecure? I really can't understand those guys who cheat on their partners. Well, personal insecurities can also lead to affairs. Low self-esteem can make people reliant on the attention of others—and in some situations, only one person's attention isn't enough. It can also make someone feel insecure about their own relationship, to the point that they lie to refuse rather than be rejected.

In any case, the best chance of making sense of things is to discuss the problems together. The person who has cheated must accept responsibility for their actions and not make excuses, and all parties must accept responsibility for what went wrong in the relationship, despite how difficult this might be for the person who has been cheated on. Although it may be painful for the person who has been cheated on, both parties must accept responsibility for the problems that existed in the relationship prior to the cheating.

"Sis, are you okay?" I came back to reality and looked at my sister. "hey, don't look at me like that, I'm okay sis, I know you too well. Don't overthink things between me and Matt, if we're both for each other then fate will be upon us, if not, then there are many fish in the sea, sis. I'm an expert fisherman!" she jokingly said as she shove some bacon on her mouth.

"That's my girl" I kissed her cheeks and bid her good bye. I'm off to work now.


As I arrived to work, I instantly go to my cube and start doing transcriptions so I can pass it ahead of time. I really love doing things ahead of time instead of doing it on a limited time span, don't get me wrong, I can work under pressure but it really is nice to have ample time to recheck your work especially I am in the research department so I basically have to double check things out not to missed correct data and what nots.

As I grow old, I realized that time is essential, it is gold that it cannot be taken back once you spend it unto something or someone. So time management should be really applied even if you are not working. When you manage your time, you can capture bigger opportunities. You can also maximise your strengths and plan your day. The purpose of time management is to enable people to get more and better work done productively. Good time management enables you to achieve greater levels of performance and productivity. When you work smarter, not harder you achieve bigger results in less time and with less effort. This allows you to achieve a better work-life balance.

Time management skills mean focusing time on the things that are most important to you. It also means spending less time on everything else. Essential time management skills include prioritising, goal setting, and delegation. Effective time management includes better scheduling, improved decision-making, better organisation, and time leverage.

For me, it's easier to produce bigger results and bigger goals when you handle your time effectively. The advantages of time management include increased effectiveness and productivity while reducing stress. The benefits of effective time management at work include the ability to work less and produce greater performance.

Your concentration and efficiency will improve if you have good time management skills. They often minimize procrastination and distractions. You can improve your productivity by taking care of your time by good time management. It also makes it easier for you to complete more of your essential tasks. Though I really admired people who procrastinates and still got to passed their work on time, I guess that's the reason why they still procrastinate though. LMAO.

I've been halfway through my work when I hear the glass door open with deep male voices accompanying it.

"Hey Max!" I rolled my eyes, here is Art again with his friends, he is some guy who is still bugging me to go on a date with him when he basically knew I'm not into guys especially like him but he is a good coworker though.

I looked at the clock and it was lunch time already.

I rolled my chair to face them and put a smile. "Hi Art!.. and friends.. What are you up to?"

"Ahm. Just wondering if you would like to go out for lunch today? I mean, just the two of us or we can... you know go together with your friends and mine" he said asking for help with his friends who keep laughing and cheering on him.

I smiled and thankfully, Annie and Sophia came to my rescue. Yes, we work at the same company yet we are in different departments, we usually go out for lunch together if we have skeletal schedules and I guess we have today. This two had been in a relationship since.

"Oh, hi boys! May we take Maxine out for lunch today, yeah?" Annie said as she wink with Art and his friends just looked at how pretty Annie is with her black and red blouse and tight pencil skirt. Sophia just rolled her eyes and led us outside.

"Next time, Art." I said and smiled apologetically as I hurriedly walked out with these two dumbass.

As we arrived at our favorite café, we just ordered something light for lunch and just talk about some things.

"So.. your suitor is persistent huh." Sophia said eyeing me and naughtily look at me as if I have done something wrong. "He is not my suitor and why are you looking at me like that?" I said. "Nothing, just wondering when will you stop being a thirdwheel." She said and I gasped while Annie laughed hysterically holding her mouth to prevent her laughter.

"How dare you???? If not for me, you two would not end up together!" I told them and they immediately stop laughing

"I'm just kidding, okay?" she said trying to stop her laughter "but seriously though, have you not tried dating again, Max?" this time it was Annie's turn to ask.

What are with these people who keep me pushing to date and find someone else? I can live alone.. but not forever lol. "I've tried guys, it's just that I never felt something with someone right now. The right one will come though, don't you worry about me."

"okay as you said so. By the way, we're going on shopping this weekend, come with us okay?"

"Sure" I agreed since I have nothing to do for the weekends and I still have time, it was just Monday and these two had already plans for the weekends?

After we ate, we get back to work until it'stime to go home.

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