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I was exhausted. I just got off our dance class since I am in this Dance club and every Wednesdays and Fridays, we meet to have a few dances to learn or just bond with the group. But today, Saturday, we prepared for a dance presentation for the foundation anniversary of the university. The club was task to prepare one folk dance, one hip hop dance and a mini role play of how the school started. Dancing is one of the things I love to do as well. Dancing teach me to keep going but also learn that a person never stops growing. Every step you ascend on the stairway of dance, lights the way to more. There's always somewhere to go; more goals to accomplish or details to master. The practice of dance is an investment in yourself that can reduce stress, improve your mental well-being, and give you an outlet for self-expression. Being a dancer isn't all rainbows though just like now...

I slumped in the hardwood floor tired and full of sweat, the others lay beside me still panting. I'm on the hip hop and in the roleplay part.

"That's it for today guys. See you on Monday, the program will start at 8 in the morning okay? No lates please"

Our dance master instructs us and left.

"You'll get used to these" Emily, one of our seniors in the Dance club said while fixing her backpack. She is in college. She had shoulder length hair, a fair complexion that matches her chestnut colored eyes. She maybe 5'6 or 5'7. Ugh. That makes me small for my 5'2 height. She is pretty and cool I may add, and I always look up to her. I once had a crush on her before I started her. lol

Emily and the other seniors were strict at first especially during our auditions but now that we are part of the club, they show how nice and approachable they are. They even treat us food at the cafeteria sometimes.

"Hope so too" I replied with a smile

"I'll be heading home first, Ems, good bye" I waved her good bye and to the others as well

"Uh, hey Max. Can I talk to you for a while?" Emily said as she grabbed my hand which I flinched in a good way, because I never had physical contact with her for the past months and again, I once had a crush on her before. I laughed internally, nervously.

"what's up Em?"

"I.. how do i say this. " she started her sentence feeling a little nervous but not as nervous as me. "I just thought.. i mean, there's this really nice restaurant a few blocks away from the school and I thought it will be fun if I tried it sometimes.. and uhm, I'd like to invite you some other time? After class? What do you think?"

I am beyond shock of her invite, my mouth just hang open for like 5 seconds and got back to my senses when she continued.

"if you're busy, it's fine. I think uh, its just awkward to uh, you know.. ask you out?"

Asked me out?? My old crush is asking me out. Woah.

"I'd like that. After class, just text me." I replied to her smiling yet still felt overwhelmed. I hear her breathe deeply and smiled at me shyly.

"Okay. Sounds good. Thanks"

"Sure. Uh, bye."

Right before I closed the door out of the room, I heard some of her friends cheering on her. Weird.

As soon as I got home, I instantly ate, thank god ther is still food on my refrigerator, i literally forgot to go on grocery with all the things that i've been thinking right now, after which, i washed the dishes, clean up, took a long cold bath and  drifted off to sleep.

Seeing Celine's face before darkness consumed me.


I woke up at 11 am in the morning and it is Sunday. I got the whole afternoon to rest and do some homework. Seeing I have one homework I immediately started it only to have that I have missing notes since I excused myself from the class because of practice. I mentally slap myself to find that no one of my classmates were available at this time, Sunday afternoon. Ugh!! After 15 minutes of looking through my phone. I found Celine online.

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