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Maxine's POV

I decided to take the risk, for I may not know what the future holds, but I'll be at peace knowing I've done something now that'll will change the future. Love is risk. Love is the potential of being destroyed, of losing yourself, of walking away with a shattered heart and nothing to say for yourself except that you tried. It's willingly handing over your heart, even when every thought running through your mind is hesitant. It's quieting those voices. It's saying yes. And sometimes we fall. Sometimes we break. Sometimes we shatter and have to learn to rebuild again. Love? Maybe. Just maybe. As we walked out the vehicle, I saw Celine smile at the view. The sun was setting. The sun, a fiery orb, looks like it's gradually receding into the waters below. The sky consists of an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, oranges and yellows. The waters below mirror this effect. The waves are tinted vermilion, with underlying streaks of blue that clash with it. Few people stroll around and the ocean is in its tranquility.

I grabbed her hand, finding the best spot for the two of us where we can watch the sunset, feel the waves of the ocean and have a little privacy. I placed the mat beside a tree near the shore, putting eat the pizza I had ordered earlier, chicken wings, some donuts, Doritos and some other chips, and two bottles of beer. just kidding. I brought two cans of coke. I don't want us to be drunk or had any alcohol in our system for this moment.

"You prepared all of these?" she asked shocked and pouted "while I am asleep" she continued

"Yup! I am taking you on a date so I might as well prepare something that's not so fancy and just the way you like" I said smiling and reaching my hand to her as I guide her to sit down. She once mentioned that this was her ideal date.

She hide her blushed which I can clearly see and said "T-this.. is a.. d-date??" stuttering

The right moment may come and go without me making a shot, and then suddenly it's back to the waiting game. If I kept on making excuses about 'waiting for the right moment,' then it's actually time to make my admission As soon as possible because I may not have the time again. I am aware that she likes someone else but that doesn't mean she's already in a relationship, right?? As Wren said, taking risk is better than rejection, unforeseen opportunities may arise and if she doesn't like me back then I can develop emotional resilience right? HAHAHAHHA. Justifying your impulsivity again, Maxine?

"Yes. And you're still not in a relationship with someone you like, sooo.. so.. I-i can still.. do this.. right?" I asked awkwardly not knowing how she would react. I looked away, afraid of whatever she will reply.

How can I be so bold yet stupid sometimes!! Okay oftentimes! Damn. What if she doesn't like this idea and would prefer to have her ideal date with someone she loves? What if she became uncomfortable with this and this will probably end our friendship!? What is she'll be disgusted by me and would never talk to me again after this? Lot of fake scenarios came up and I cannot imagine losing her because of this stupid action. I can just be her friend and be with her for a lifetime right? I should've kept it to myself. What am I thinking!??? Ugh.

I was busy panicking at the dilemma I brought myself into when I heard her say "You can. And I love this. Thank you Maxine" she said giving me her sweetest smile while getting a slice of pizza, chewing on it not even looking straight at me. Every time she mentioned my name, I get this silly butterflies all over my stomach and the warmth of how she said everything so gentle put me on a cloud nine. I really like this girl. No. Scratch that. Like is an understatement. When I am with her I feel unusually optimistic yet nervous whenever our skin touched, I always think about her like 24/7, I can't stop staring at her because she is so pretty and lovely and pretty and...goddd.

We talked about things, we never got out of topics. We talked about how she likes the sunrise and how I like the sunset.

"Sunrise has no expectations. You wake up in nearly darkness, you find your significant other in a maze of blankets and pillows, and you hold them. They are a mess, everyone is after sleeping all night, but they are your mess, and they are cute. Light gradually increases, moving the room through various shades of color; grays and blues and yellows and oranges until the sun is finally up"

My Heart Hurt So Good (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now