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Celine's POV

Fireworks. Butterflies. Cloud Nine.

I feel my whole world erupts as her lips touches mine. I'm still smiling uncontrollably, I feel tired and energetic at the same time, my hands are still shaking. SHE KISSED ME! That sensation and that feeling is something that I remember so clearly as if it happened just last minute. But, I am not a wordsmith worthy enough to clearly explain what I felt. The only thing I can really tell is, it was better that what I had ever read. Maxine fucking Smith kissed me, Celine Cole! I just confess to her and she freaking kissed me!!!

Her lips stayed in mine as she closed her eyes. My eyes are widely open. Her beautiful face was so close to mine. It was just a peck but I felt like eternity I didn't got a chance to respond.

"The night you told you were in love with someone else, tore my world apart. I envy that person because I like you. I like your laughter, your smile, how you showed concern to our friends, how you do things with so much compassion, I love hearing your voice every day. I--I want you to be mine and only mine. You don't know how happy I am as you told me these, Cel." she confessed looking directly at my eyes. Her eyes were full of hope and sincerity.

I can't believe this. She liked me too! Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating???

All this time we were sharing all this feeling and were too dumb to know were the same.

I smiled. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.

"W-will you be.. my girlfriend?" she asked nervously "I know this sound cheesy or what, i've never asked someone to be my.. you know.. before.. all this things are new to me yet i dont want to lose this chance. So.." she said stuttering as she looked up at me with her glimmering eyes. The sincerity never leaves her eyes but I can feel her trembling.

What can I say? I am falling for this girl and I don't want to waste any more time.

"Yes!!" I said happily as I cupped her cheeks too. "I'll be your girlfriend Ma--" She cut me off by pressing her lips against mine again.

I felt my pulse began to quicken as well as my heartbeat. Her soft lips caressed mine and I cupped her face with my hand as i let the sensation take me over. Her kiss was so intoxicating; a sense of nostalgia and euphoria hit me. Damn. I really liked it.

When we pulled apart, she said "sorry. I've wanted to do that ever since..." as she smiled and I return the gesture.

I've wanted to kiss you too!! So much! Damn!

The wind howls and we both shiver seeing we both were drenched. We laughed and decided to get out of the water and head our way home, our hands intertwined.

"Can I stay here tonight? I'm too lazy to go home" Max asked as I open my door with my right hand because she insists to hold my hand still. I happily nodded and we went outside as soon as I opened it.

"Can I have my hand for a while? I'm going too changed" I asked her while she just give me a smirk

"We can change togethe-" I cut her off as I slapped her by my bag.

"Watch your filthy mouth!" I said giggling, hiding the blush. It feels so comfortable with her, I felt like home. I don't have to hide anything from her, it's like she sees me through my soul.

"What? Do girlfriends do that?" she said giggling

I gave her a death glare and she seemed to back off, she put her hands up as if she surrendered and said "okay.. okay.. Go changed your clothes, I'll be waiting here babe" as she taps the bed

I can't help but smile at the nickname. Babe. I do my thing in the bathroom and put on my oversized NASA shirt and shorts without underwear. I saw Maxine laying on the bed with the same outfit as mine except that her shirt is a plain blue shirt with a pen print on the right chest part. I take her in and Damn! Those legs!

"Enjoying the view, aren't we?" her voice got me out from my thoughts. She saw me looking.

I give her a small smile trying to hide my embarrassment and lay on the bed with her.

"How can you be so sexy with that simple clothes? god!" she said brushing her hands through her hair. I laughed and hide my face, turning my back to her while sniffling back a giggle. She never failed to give me those butterflies.

I feel movement on the bed and she put her arm on my waist. I face her and I smiled as i see her close her eyes while smiling.

This girl is the death of me!

"I never imagined my crush will be this so cheesy" I said pinching her nose, she opened her eyes and replied "Only for you" and put her on mine. I can feel her breath and her homely scent was overwhelming. I looked at her lips and back at her eyes as she did the same.

She wasted no time as she pressed her lips with mine. I obliged as I closed my eyes and savor the moment. She moved her lips as I moved mine in sync with hers. She nibbles on my bottom lip that sent me to ecstasy, pulling my body closer to hers. I tangled my other legs with her waist as I feel her free hand roam around my body gaining a moan form me. Maxine groaned as soon as she heard me moan but we pulled for air not wanting to part with the other "You're so beautiful, Celine. I never like and want someone like this before."

Maxine said as she kissed my forehead and nose which I found very romantic yet so cute. DO you ever get that feeling that being close to someone brings you so much peace and joy at the same time? It was like feeling safety amidst chaos. Safety is developed over time with love and consistency. It all started when we were in elementary school and had to head off to our first day of school. We were nervous and a little afraid of what was ahead of us, but we were encouraged when we returned to the house and saw our mother sneaking a quick wave out the window.

We bear the awareness that we are protected and cherished no matter what comes our way throughout the day. When we have a bad dream, the only thing that makes us feel comfortable again is someone being there with us and telling us that all is fine. These tiny, delicate movements form an unbreakable bond and a sense of security that goes well beyond anything we can find in the physical world.

I think we all have that moment when asked what makes you feel protected; I'm guessing you don't think of a physical safe armor, but rather a close friend or family member. Who gives you a sense of safety and security?

The only constant in a world of constant change and no promises is the sense of safety provided by unconditional love and trust. Rather than realistic safety steps, our feelings of safety are embedded far deeper in our relationships.

"Finding intimacy begins with discovering ourselves...We have to be visible before we can be seen. We have to be available before our hearts can be affected. And we have to be present before we can be intimate."

I giggled and nuzzle my face on her neck.

She pulled me closer to her that I can hear her heart beat, I inhaled her scent and we both drifted off to sleep. I, having the nicest dream I ever had.


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