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Celine's POV

I woke up feeling warm and comfortable as I snuggle closer to my pillow. It smells like home, as in a mix of fresh nature that makes me relax more. I slowly opened my eyes seeing the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on, Maxine.

I just confessed to her that I like someone last night and what she said kept repeating on my mind. It's Saturday so i don't need to go to school and i just grab some shirt and skinny jeans. I walked down my kitchen and recall her favorites.

I smiled to myself after finishing our meal for today, looking at the Bacon, fried rice and chicken soup that she said was her favorite combo meal. I feel someone looking at me and I instantly see Maxine on her blue shirt and shorts. That girl was effortlessly cute.

"Good morning Max! Come, let's eat." I said gesturing her to come at the diner and she seat just looking at the food I prepare for her "oh, wait.." how could I forget her coffee! I run back to the counter and returned with two cups of coffee in my hands. I saw her eyes shine and she smiled as she took it the food in front of her. I hope she'll get the hint.

"I swear, whoever you like will like you.. no .. love you even more if this is what they get every morning" she said laughing, getting ready to dig in.

"Really!?" I asked as her eyes looked up at me glimmering

"Of course, who wouldn't " she shrugged "woke up in a good mood are we?

"I just want to make that for you" I said shyly

"These are my favorite combo meal, you remembered it!! Thank you. I sure want to spend my breakfast here with you" she said and I looked down trying to hide my blushed. You can be here and I'll cook for you anytime Max. Ugh! I'm so whipped.

"Sow whuts yoww plan fow todaaay?" she asked me with her mouth full of food. Where are the manners of this girl? I laughed at the thought seeing how careless she was when we're together.

"I don't know. Just watch some movies and stuff. Will you be staying for a while?" please stay.. please stay

"Sure. I dont have stuffs to do anyway. You're really good at cooking, you know that?"

I blushed again. I really am just fond of cooking; I don't know what so special about this. At home I just cook whenever I feel stressed or happy. Spending time in the kitchen can ease stress and restlessness, and sometimes enhances my mood.

"I can't cook ugh. My mom told me that girls should know how to cook and clean the house!" she added, her hands-on action while she speaks. This is one of the things I noticed to her. How her hands do some gestures when she's speaking. How she rubs her elbow when she's uncomfortable and how she shakes her head when she's trying to hide her blushed.

I just looked at her questioning at how frustrated she was with this thought.

"I mean.. I get that I should know these things but what angers me is that she said, in a family the wife should do the chores. Like what? Cleaning and cooking are essential skills not based on our gender, right? " she said

I laughed and said, "you're right. "

"and.. why is she sure that i'll get a man someday?? I'll just have a pretty woman who knows how to cook" she said throwing me a smirk

What did she mean by that!? I instantly feel something on my chest. Earlier, she just commends my cooking and now she's telling me this. Does.. does she like me? No, stop that thought Celine, Max was just probably playing. She can never like you as something more than friends. She is a straight girl with probably many flings going on around. But she was just so pretty and cute and awesome and... ughh! I mentally slap myself just by thinking about her.

"Y-yeah. You should get someone w... w.. .who knows how to cook" I said not looking at her. But I can cook too! You should get me then. I can make you spaghetti and anything you want every day, I can prepare anything you would want for a meal! Ughh. Thoughts again.

"Yeah like you. butyoulikesomeoneelse"

She said as she mumbled the last words but I sure got it. Like someone else? Who? Me? Naaaah... The thought of her being jealous makes me smile and my heart seemed to be floating. Is it possible though?? We've been close for the past months but I am still not sure what to feel about it. I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of this stupid feelings that is still unsure of certain things.

After we ate, she volunteered to wash the dishes and I let her because she told me that she wanted to learn the chores. So here I am, sitting in front of the Tv contemplating on the things i should do to her. Do I have to bring her to a fancy restaurant and confess these feelings? No. She said she's not that type of person to be in something fancy. Should I bring her to the beach? The arcade? The carnival?? Oh fuck! I've never been good at this planning stuff.

My thoughts vanished when I feel shiver down my spine as her skin touches mine. She sits next to me smiling and turning on the movie she put in while I am too absorb with my thoughts. Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks played.

I shed some tear after the movie and Maxine just laughed at me pinching my cheeks and soothing me afterwards. She then put the Longest Ride for the next movie.

"I guess I'll fall asleep because I cried too hard" I said through sniff.

"Just sleep right there Cel. Uhm.. Would you mind If I get some stuff from your things and ordered pizza?" she asked and I immediately nodded, feeling my eyelids becoming heavy.

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