Thirty Eight

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Maxine's POV

I was walking to my cubicle while greeting other employees, last night I dreamt of her and I slept well. But now I still am uncertain to weather make a move or not. I am wishing that she was not here yet so I have the time to compose myself.

"Good morning, Max!" Art greeted me and I replied back, not knowing why he is on our floor when he should be on the advertising department.

Art is the Mentor type of colleague who would love to teach you more than only the technical side of the job. He loves sharing his knowledge and will provide you with a broader perspective on the way of working in your company and sector. He would probably help you progress in your career, as this colleague only wants the best for you. Sometimes, he can be the Sweet Talker one, doing almost anything to benefit from his superior. Saying nice things, giving compliments, ... This will usually lead to this person walking over his colleagues, but hey, that's part of the deal.

I smiled at him and just walked straight to the pantry to prepare my coffee. Couldn't start the day without it.

Caffeine is addictive because of the way that the drug affects the human brain and produces the alert feeling that people crave. Soon after Caffeine is consumed, it's absorbed through the small intestine and dissolved into the bloodstream. I know these things yet I can't stop drinking. I still have the control in doing so because it's just to wake up my lazy body especially in the morning, you know.

After preparing my coffee, I was about to head to my cubicle when I hear someone giggle.

""Coffee on the right hand, your tote bag in your shoulders, papers and folders on your left hand, you always like carrying things like that in all, do you?"

I turned my head preparing to see who it is but then I was shocked. Not literally shocked because I somehow knew she is working here but it has been a long time since we last saw each other.

"Emily!" I cheerfully said

"Hey Max! Long time no see"

"Indeed. It's been years. How are you?"

"Good. After college just went to another college because I feel like dancing wouldn't be a high paying career in the future so I shifted to business and administrative related course that is why I'm here" she said as she took the pile of papers I am carrying "let me carry these for you" she said

"Thank you. Well, that's great I guess. I have no idea you were here though."

"Do you not want to see me?" She pouted

"No silly, i was just shock. But it was nice to see you around here."

She put my things on my table and I noticed something on my desk. A bouquet of white tulips. It is so pretty, but is this for me? I looked everywhere and found nothing suspicious then, I remembered Art, is this from him? How did he know I liked tulips? I eyebrows meet, I appreciate the gesture but I was relieved that Ysabelle was not here yet, what if she sees that someone give this to me? ? ghaddd. Why would she even care like that, Maxine!? I mentally slapped myself for that thought.

"Oh flowers! Seems like someone got a lover boy" I forgot that Emily is still here.

"Uh no? I don't know where this came from." I laughed awkwardly.

"A secret admirer maybe?"

"Hmm" i mumbled

"Uhm. I should be back to my cubicle Max. Nice seeing you here."

"You too, Em."

"Oh by the way, we haven't really go out together since our last conversation right? Can we do that maybe tomorrow if you're free?" She asked why putting her hands on both her pockets.

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