Twenty Seven

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It's been a month now since Sophia had joined our class and our circle of friends as well. It's been a month of the silent treatment between Celine and me. I am getting tired of what I feel. I still silently looked at her whenever I got the chance but I don't initiate a conversation between us. I'm afraid to see her reaction when I talked to her. She also seemed to not care.

And here I am, silently looking at her. I guess to win the game of love, you must always approach it with the kind of self-assurance and trust that leads you to believe that you will succeed and find the love that you deserve. Before someone would be able to give you love, you must believe that you are deserving of it. And if you're fortunate enough to be in a position to seize the love you believe you deserve, you can't afford to miss any chances. You must ensure that you make the most of your opportunities. And if you manage to play your cards correctly, you would have accomplished your goal.

It's important to note, though, that the fight isn't over yet. Love alone will not be enough to ensure your relationship's survival and vitality. You must keep in mind that just because you love each other does not mean that you will spend the rest of your lives together. That's the sad thing about us, I guess.

We were at Annie's place for a sleepover. Celine was in the dining table preparing for our dinner with Annie while Sophia, Sue and Ashley were here with me in the living room.

"Max, can we talk?" Sophia asked me and I was confused as to why she wanted to talk to me. But I followed her outside in the garden. It's pretty cold since its 9 in the evening already. We arrived here at 7, just wanted to chill and have some girl night that's the reason why Gordon's not here.

"What's wrong fi?" I asked Sophia as we sit at the bench not far from Annie's.

"How do I start this.." she said unsurely this gave me confusion "I know we've been apart for a long time but.. I still felt like I knew you from the back of my hands. There are changes but it's still you and I really considered you as my best friend" she said looking at me intently

I don't know where this is going.

"Why, you're my best friend too Fi. What's bothering you?"

She takes a deep breath and looks down "I-i don't know if you'll still consider me as one after I told you this though.." she paused. I wasn't thinking of something right now I am hundred percent curious.

"Go on.." I gestured

"I-i think I'm not hundred percent straight.." she said as she avoided her gaze

I laugh as this. Does she think I wasn't aware of this? I mean, I had seen how she checked out girls at school. Even before she always has girl crushes and we both played with boys or played as boys when we do playhouse.

"Yeah.?" I smiled at her giving her an assurance to continue

"I like..girls. I've been with boys too. I mean, I like both genders. I'm bisexual, you know, someone who can be attracted to more than one gender. If you're not comfortable with that I really am sorry but I really wanted to tell you this." She said giving me a pleading look. She really thinks I'm not that open to this kind of things huh.

I smiled brightly at her and hugged her. This seemed to surprise her. "Congratulations Sophia! I'm happy you've found yourself"

She seemed taken a back. We were still hugging but she silently weeps. "Y-you're.. not a-angry at.. m-me??" she said in between sobs.

I caress her back and whispered "No Sophia. Why would I?" This time we broke our hug. She seemed shocked and confused.

"Look, I'm not homophobic Sophia and I really appreciate you coming out to me. I know this may be a hard time for you but I accept you. I'm genuinely happy for you. In fact, I am too. I'm bisexual" I smiled at her giving her a reassuring look

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