Twenty One

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Maxine's POV

It's been a month since Celine and I started dating and all those times, I'm at my happiest. We decided to keep our relationship in private but not as a secret. We always try to make time for each other even with many school works and events ahead of us. Making time for each other to talk things out is necessary for me. All too often couples only talk about their relationship after a blowout fight. But that's like going out on game day without ever practicing beforehand. For some couples, it's more like going to war without any training & drills.

Instead, make it a habit to communicate directly about your relationship when the stakes aren't heated so you can more effectively address each other's concerns before it goes to crisis. We all have expectations for our relationships and love life. We all expect things of our partners and expect to fulfill things for them. And we all have needs. Yet so often we only express our needs and expectations when they've gone unmet usually in the form of an argument. But we both knew that, I guess.

We did things together, I mean, were in the same circle of friends so that's not really a problem. Though, I had discovered that Celine was a very touchy person, which i am not but with her, I just can't keep my hands off of her. Our love language is both physical touch, too. Have you ever heard of that?

The 5 Love Languages, was originally written in 1992, by Dr. Gary Chapman. These are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service and receiving gifts. The words of affirmation are the art of transmitting affection through spoken words, gratitude, or admiration is known as love language. Kind words and motivation are appreciated as this is someone's main love language. Inspiring quotes, love notes, and cute text messages are also common among them. By complimenting them or pointing out what they do well, you will brighten their day.

When someone gives their undivided attention to someone else, they are expressing love and affection through this love language. This entails putting down the phone and turning off the tablet, as well as making eye contact and paying attention. People who speak this love language value quality over quantity. So, if you are present and concentrating on them when you get together, they will feel loved. Make eye contact with the other person, confirm what they're saying, and refrain from giving advice, these are for those people whose love language is quality time.

When acts of service are a person's main love language, they feel cherished and respected when others do good things for them. Whether it's helping with the dishes or filling up the car with gas, small acts of service touch a person's heart. They like it when others do little things for them, and they are always found doing little things for others.

Gift-giving is indicative of love and affection in the mind of someone whose love language is receiving gifts. They value not only the gift itself, but also the time and effort invested by the giver. Furthermore, they do not actually expect big or costly gifts; rather, it is what is behind the gift that appeals to them in the love language of receiving gifts.

Physical affection is how a person who speaks this love language feels loved. Physical contact as a primary love language makes those who have it feel cherished when their partner displays physical affection in some way, such as holding their hand, rubbing their shoulder, or giving them a massage at the end of the day. Cuddling on the sofa with a glass of wine and a good movie may be their idea of an ideal date. They simply want to be physically close to their partners.

Gosh. Am I doing essays here or just telling you stories?

For us we do it better. Heck! We even make out at the girl's comfort room. Who can you blame? We're teenagers!

And it has been weeks since that frustrating day. Laughing out loud.

Today is Friday but Celine and I parted ways for a while, she goes at her place first to clean up, we decided to have a sleepover at her apartment. I am at the mall to buy some ingredients for our dinner because Celine is one hella good cook. She makes delicious foods and that's a plus!

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