Thirty Four

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Finding someone who could actually be the right person I think takes times. Here I am overthinking again, I mean, I am happy with my life and I can't just jeopardize myself again to be with the wrong person. I think my story is getting boring day by day.

I was browsing through my social media again when I noticed a certain girl, she looked familiar so I followed her on her socials. I just forgot where I saw this girl, or so I thought I saw her somewhere else.

I got tired looking through my phone and just decided to read a book so I'll be sleepy. I am reading Starstruck by YurikoHime and it was actually a good girl to girl story. It is about Dulce Gavin, a 17 years old girl who doesn't like to watch TV accidentally met and helped a drop dead gorgeous teenager named Glace. They hit it off instantly, but soon lost contact. A week later, Glace turned up at Dulce's school and ended up as her seatmate. The catch? Glace is a Hollywood celebrity who is about to turn Dulce's normal life inside out. Follow these two girls as they discover love, friendship, and the value of family amidst popularity and high school life.

I really get excited reading this story; it's as if I'm on my teenage years again. This writer inspires me to be one too. I just wonder where those writers get their inspirations from.

Inspiration is more than just a sudden burst of good ideas. It's a state of mind where ideas and possibilities seem to flow with ease, and you're unafraid of trying something new. It's the ideal head space that writers love to be in. But getting into that head space often requires time and effort. And I know that inspiration isn't always easy to find. For starters, it can be tricky to get in that inspired state of mind. You also can't wait for random bursts of ideas if you want to write on a consistent basis. Otherwise, you may spend hours staring at a blank page, afraid to make a move.

The solution is to look for inspiration yourself. Whether it's a business email, a school essay, or that novel you've always kept in mind, follow the words of author Louis Lamor: "Begin writing whatever. Please. "No water will flow until the faucet is turned on. "

Inspiration can be found virtually anywhere in books, music, nature, meditation, faith, creative play, and more. You already know it. But it's also important to understand why it's so important for writers to draw inspiration from these sources.

I was so hooked into the story that I forgot to check my phone before I fell asleep.

As soon as I wake up, I ate breakfast with my sister and have my way to the office. I was greeted by some of my coworkers and I happily greeted them back. I was on the elevator and it was about to close when someone stopped it and walk inside. Her smell welcomed me and I thought I was lost for a minute by her eyes. There are many people in the elevator so the girl practically pushed her way to get inside and we were inches apart. She was taller than me yet I didn't dare to looked at her because I don't even know her and that may seemed creepy, I don't want to sound like a creep though.

In a minute, I got out of the elevator and the girl with the beautiful eyes got out of it also. As I was about to open the door to go inside our office, the girl did the same thing as well causing our hands to both be at the doorknob.

And I am not imagining things as I feel my heart suddenly raced as she touched my hand. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that it gave me goosebumps and a tingling sensation just like in love stories ad romantic movies, that is why I need to stop this. Yeah.

"I'm sorry" she said with her husky yet cute voice, can anyone sound like that? I mean.. How is that even possible? I politely smiled at her and she smiled back, oh god, her smile is worth dying for. I take a step back and let her in first as she was seemed to be in a hurry. I tried to gather my thoughts first.

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