Twenty Five

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Celine's POV

I wake up hearing a knock by the door. As much as I love my bed, I better go get ready and help my family prepare for today. Our other relatives will come and celebrate the holiday with us, it has been our tradition to celebrate the holidays and other family occasions together.

I quickly showered playing some Taylor Swift songs and meet them downstairs.

"Good morning Celine. I'm sorry to wake you up this early we just need to prepare for today, your cousins will come. You know they can become too handy at times" Mom said as soon as she saw me entered the kitchen, while she was putting her apron on.

"It's okay mom. I'll go prepare the pasta" I said

The day went by so slow that I got so bored even though my aunts and cousins are downstairs talking about stuff. I don't really like family gatherings, it's a bunch of talking of the past and future, of who's going to marry who and when. That kind of stuff.

We were at the living room as of the moment as one of my aunts spoke. "How's school Celine? " she started. I just simply replied "All good Aunt Marites"

"Swamp with suitors, aren't we?" she said coyly gaining my family's attention. Ugh. I hate this. "No, aunt" I replied plainly not wanting her to continue the topic. I'm not in the mood.

"Come on, Celine! You're beautiful and smart, everyone will make their way to have you. I mean, it runs in our blood" One of my uncles said as the whole members laugh and nodded conceitedly

"Yeah, your cousin Nick got trouble last time because he had dated this girl that seemed to be head over heels on him. Turns out that girl was committed to someone else." uncle Ramon said pertaining to his son, Robert, he was in college, two years older than me. Robert just laughed and whined. "Dad! You don't have to tell them that."

"Oh, i have to, son. That was really funny because out of all the girls that lined up to you, you have chosen wrong" Uncle Ramon added, Robert was pretty handsome too. He has a muscular body credits for being a basketball player. He has curly hair and a small eye that disappeared when he smiles. For a typical girl, my cousin was surely a catch.

"So, is there a special someone Celine?" Aunt Marites continued

I shifted from my seat growing uncomfortable with this conversation.

"Don't pressure the child. She'll have plenty times to explore" My other aunt said which was obviously a lesbian. I just got that emphasis on the explore part.

"Oh stop you three. Let my daughter find someone whom she really would care about. And dont you think it's too soon for that? Come on, desserts are ready" My mother said obviously seeing how uncomfortable I was. I silently thank my mom for saving myself right there.

After which I decided to excuse myself and call it a night. As soon as I lay down at my bed, feeling exhausted for today's events, I instantly remembered to check my phone. I had been too busy to even touch it. My eyes can't believe what I saw. I had received a message from her. From Maxine! She greeted me for the holidays!

I am so happy and I can't help the smile on my face! Does this mean she's not angry with me anymore?? I immediately checked her profile to see what she's up to but as soon as the tab opened, my smile instantly fell.

Yesterday was her birthday.

Yesterday was the day I should bring her to the falls. Yesterday. My hand froze not knowing how to reply to her. I am such a terrible girlf-- ex.. ex-girlfriend.


Maxine's POV

The holidays went as what it was as usual. Today I am getting ready to go back to class. I shower quickly and put on my uniform. I am excited to be back at school but not as excited as I used to be since the only person that excites me never really cared for me. As I was walking through the hallways, I hear someone calling my name.

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