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The weekend comes to an end and here I am walking to my first class. I was a bit early because I can't sleep these past nights. The only person in the room was Annie and Gideon, talking about something.

"Hey guys. You two are early today, what's up?" I said referring to them.

"Because we have something to talk about" Gideon replied while both of them leaned forward.


"Celine!" Annie started "You know, we go to the mall this Saturday and we saw her with some guy. They're so sweet." Oh. That again. I thought I can escape this for a while.

"So... what do I have to do with this?"

"Well, since Celine and you hang out the most lately, does she mention someone? or you know, tell you something? We're not being nosy, we're just curious. " Annie whispered the last part

They were being nosy. And no, I thought she liked me. Wait...?

What? She liked you? Naaaah. It's impossible.

"I don't know anything. We just hang out that's all" I said truthfully, this topic was tearing me apart

"Celine seemed to be so happy these past few days. As you can see, she came so early at school and even stayed late, well, aside from both of you were hanging out." Gideon pointed out looking at us while his brows are wiggling.

"That's exactly my point! So, do you think she has a boyfriend?? Guys???"

I hope she hasn't. I really hope. Oh God.

I just shrugged but then said "I also see them this weekend because we celebrate Iris' birthday."

"Sooo.. Do you think it's her boyfriend? That guy is cute though. But Gideon here, was still unsure." she pointed to Gideon accusingly.

Gideon just sighed and smirked after a while "I don't know Ann, but there's something else with that guys. I can sense it. I mean I saw him. I saw how he looks, how he moves..."

"Guys.. Chill. If Celine got herself a boyfriend then she'll probably tell us. Unless they're not a couple yet or in any circumstances. We're her friends, right? And if she won't tell us then, it's her choice.. I think we should respect that and give her some privacy" I deadpanned, not believing myself for saying this but on the contrary I am wishing to the heavens that she is not in a relationship!

Annie and Gideon just nodded and shrugged their shoulders, agreeing to what I had said. It was then I realized some students started to walked in.

After half an hour, class started but Celine was not here yet. I started to worry and was about to asked Annie or Gideon if she messaged them when the door opened, revealing Celine with all her might. Immediately putting a smile on my face. I watched her as she mouthed "Sorry, I'm late" to the teacher, but my smile faded when she gestured bye to someone outside.

I looked out to see who it was and IT WAS THE GUY FROM THE MALL!!! Why god!

I hear Gideon and Annie bickered probably seeing what I just witnessed. I just stared blankly at the board watching our teacher speaks in an alien language. I just don't know what to feel I mean like yes, I started to developed feelings for her yet I am still unsure of it but I just feel angry, sad? I don't know. Is this even jealousy? But what right to I have to feel betrayed of, its not like were together or something right???

Ugh. I hate dealing with my emotions right now. My priorities are my studies so please... bear with me now my dear heart. Not now.


Celine's POV

I was late for my first period earlier because of Mark, my best friend. He got some free days in their university so he told that he wanted to visit me. And why am I late? Because he wanted me to tour him around the campus, which I did by the way and as soon as I realized it, I am 15 minutes late.

Morning class went good so far. I got excited for lunch because of this particular person.

Annie, Gideon, Sue, Jane and Maxine walked towards me with a knowing smile. Are they in a good mood? Why are they smiling like that? Well, except for Maxine who had a scowl on her face.

"You guys okay?" I asked. Annie snick from my back and said "Are YOU okay Celine?" Mocking me. "Come on guys. Let's head out" Gideon said as she dragged Annie away from me. We ordered our usual and I sat beside Maxine. I feel her tensed a bit when she felt my presence. She seemed off today.

"Are you okay, Max?" I asked worriedly "fine. Just hungry" she replied in a monotonous tone

We ate in silence but I keep looking at Maxine, she seemed to be in a bad mood and so distant of me. Should I ask her? Should I hold her? Did I do something wrong? She looked upset and she had avoided my gaze every time I looked at her. Does she don't want me.. I mean.. nevermind. The whole day I tried to catch Maxine's attention but she won't even looked at me. I wonder why.. I'm just going to talk to her after class.

The bell rung and I stayed behind others seeing Maxine was about to go out the room I grabbed her hand. She looked at me and tilted her head, looking at me curiously yet I can sense her being pissed.

" can we talk?" I asked unsure of what to talked about. She seemed taken aback but recovered and grip unto her backpack.

"If this is about the project Celine, I can't do it today because I have.." she rambled obviously trying to find excuses. "It's not about the project." I interjected

"Look, I'm busy. I have to--"

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked as fast as I could. "I... mean, I k-know that you're a busy person but you... seemed to a-avoid me...?" Her eyes looked shocked but then I see something, was it sadness? Hatred? hurt? Why??? And as soon as I see it, it quickly disappeared.

"I am not" She said firmly

"but you are Max! I know it's... not that big deal, I.. just.. i just want to know..?"

"Celine," she started "I just have so many things in my mind today. I'm sorry. I am not ignori--". "then go out with me" I cut her off again and she seemed annoyed and I can feel my heart beats fast from excitement and fear of rejection. I can't explained it.

"What!?" she asked

"Um.. I was.. just wondering if.. if you want to go grab some snacks before going h-home.. not a big deal.. just ah.. h-hang out you know?" I asked and looked down, i hear her sighed and mumbled "Sure. Go get your bag"

I instantly look up and give her my best smiles, getting my bag in a flash and hooking my arms with hers. She froze in an instant but then recovered. What am I thinking again?? Earlier I am like a sad ugly duckling that is left by her mother, not I cling unto her arms like nothing just happened? Dumb Maxine... Real dumbass.


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