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Maxine's POV

After yesterday's event, we grabbed some Mcdonalds and went home. Now is Saturday and I am with other student council members to clean up the school auditorium and put everything to normal.

Nothing much happened after that "awkward" moment with Celine and I, we just kept stealing glances with each other.

We almost kissed! You know how awkward that is? Well, I really tried hard to control the things I wanted to do with her. Ever since we became friends, i lose interest in every guys and girls around me. Yeah, i could see the beauty in everyone but it is just different with her. All I could think about was her humorous remarks, our casual fights and exhanged of ideas, the way her hips moved as she walked, how her coffee-colored eyes and lashes squinted when she's thinking too deeply, God! Everything about her!

"Will you come with us after this?" Wren asked as she finished putting every boxes aside."Where to?" i pull off my gloves and throw it away

"Mall, have some relaxation after a loaded week, gonna visit some stores and buy stuffs that would make us happy. You know. Don't you have free time today? You always have free time though HAHAHAHA"

"Yeah, i know what people do in malls. I don't want to be a third wheel Wren." I answered laughing, "I want you to enjoy your date with your boyfriend" they would just probably kill me watching them lovey-dovey. Eww

"Well, that doesn't make you a third wheel because we are coming Max and Jack have something to do. Won't you go with us, Max? Please?" Iris, the head of the student council said as she looked over some members which I considered one of my close friends. Iris was in college, this was her last year now as the member of the council. She may be a bitch for some, but she was the most hardworking and responsible leader, a club could have. She had shown so much dedication for this organization and had been so heads on on every activities we had even with her schedules. That is some of the things I adore about her. Aside from her busy schedule, she always makes time for the members to bond, just like today. I remember once she said that, she had found family within this organization and she wanted to keep it that way. Aww, I'm touched.

"Yeah, don't worry about that Max. We are going to chill our butts off!!!" Quin said as she put her hands over my shoulders and whispered "It's the President's birthday" Quin is Iris' best friend she is the council's secretary. This woman also had served the organization with so much passion. It's just so good to surround yourself with people like them because their mindsets are so mature that I sometime adopt it. They also share lessons and their life experiences for us to learn from. I would miss these people if we part ways.

"So you prepared something?" I whispered back and she nodded pointing to the bag Wren has.

There were a number of us. Mostly girls, because some boys back out when they'd noticed most were girls. They said they'll just greet her on her social media account. The group was composed of Iris, Quin, Wren, you already know the three of them. Some were Abegail, a senior high school student as well as Lee, they both were my age and has been a member of the council since high school. Then there are five more girls.

The surprised went good, we rented the place, I mean, since its Quin's we have the whole place for us. I was so full. The girls were into the conversation when I looked around.

I then saw a familiar silhouette. Her shoulder length hair and that hips and legs that I adore. I am such a pervert! But yeah, i was right. Its Celine! I was planning to call her attention but suddenly a boy appear from nowhere, he's quite good looking and about an inch taller than Celine, as Celine automatically clung on his shoulder. The boy smiled and slap Celine's arms playfully. He then gave ice cream to Celine while they both giggled.

I don't know why but i suddenly wanted to vomit. I feel like all the food I have eaten had gone to the wrong system of my body. I felt sad. I felt something on my chest that were not there before. Am I jealous? Pft. No way! But who the hell was that boy!?

I thought Celine has no boyfriend. I thought we.. I should never thought about it again.

My thoughts were interrupted when Wren pinched my side giving me a curious look.

"what?" I asked not knowing why she looked me that way

"We're asking for your opinion for the party to run for next year. Quin will run, do you want to run for next year?" Abegail explained

"I don't know yet, but I'll support Quin." I replied giving them a smile

"Aww. Thank you Max! You're the best!" Quin replied ecstatically.

I looked over my shoulder and noticed Wren still looking at me weirdly. I shot her a questioning look.

"I saw that!" she whispered

"Saw what exactly?"

"You. Looking at Celine with some guy."


"You are about to cry sis" she said teasingly

"No I'm not!" I hissed

She put her hands up as if surrendering. "Okay.. Okay.." I exhaled deeply and thought, was I that too obvious?


We bid each other goodbye and as soon as I got home, Iwent straight to bed thinking about that coffee-colored eye that seemed to captivate me by all means.

I looked at the clock, it's 11 in the evening and my thoughts swirl inside my head. I guess it's overthinking time.

Do you ever knew this feeling? It can be exhausting to consider all the things you could have done differently, second-guess every decision you make, and imagine all the worst-case possibilities.

You might even convince yourself that spending a long time thinking about something is the key to coming up with the greatest solution, but this is rarely the case.

Overthinking. It's fretting about things that may or may not happen while dwelling on what has happened, like the scenario earlier or even the last few days of encounter with her.

Every dread that you have paralyzes you. As you consider more, tears well up in your eyes.

It's being physically and mentally fatigued by a brain that never stops working. Because your mind is playing tricks on you, you're composing and deleting and sending another message.

It's the incessant demand for answers and reactions simply to keep your mind at ease. Overthinking is a critical voice that is attempting to destroy you by casting doubt on everyone and everything. Then you begin to doubt yourself and question everything. You never follow your first instinct when you overthink things.

It's continuing down the harmful path that your mind has led you down, and you can't stop it even if you try.

If you think too much, you always feel like you're waiting for something, but you really don't know what you're waiting for.
Waiting for something to change.
Waiting for something to go wrong.
Waiting for someone to get angry.
Waiting for something to end dramatically, and it's your fault.

Overthinking bears apologizes for not having to say, but  sorry to ask her and think of the worst. It makes me think that all the worst scenarios will be real.


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