Thirty Five

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Maxine's POV

I should call it a day after finishing pile of paper works.

"Gonna call it a day?" Val asked making her coffee for the third time this day and faced her computer screen.

"I guess. How about you? No plans for today?" Val and I and the other girls usually hang out after work but since Thea and Keesh have to do something urgent, I guess will have to go out next time.

"None, maybe tomorrow or this weekend. I am really dying to go out and drink my ass off but I still have to finished these VTAs."

"Don't you 'drink my ass' me Val."

"Oh come on Max. You and I both knew that I can be as drunk as I want to be when I'm with you." She laughed "thank you every time though, will try to fix this alcohol tolerance level.

I just laughed at the memory we had last, its her recent heartbreak that we decided to drink and the poor girl drink her agony out. Causing her to drink to much, be drunk and pull a bomb prank on the guards.

"Max..." someone cleared her throat

I looked over and see Tiffany, our boss' secretary "Mrs. Levi wants to talk to you right now. Do you have time?"

"Oh yes, sure. I'll be right there in a moment."

I wonder what the boss would have to say to me. When I entered the office my boss immediately smiled at me and Tiffany walked out of the office, I was not juts expecting that girl, Ysabelle to be there. She was sitting comfortably on a desk and she stand up as if she was nervous when she saw me and smiled awkwardly. I smiled back and greeted them.

"Take a seat, Maxine. As you are the head of the research department, I would like you to teach Ysabelle the basics and be her guide for a while so that she can master up the routines and other obligations in this section of the company." My boss told me, smiling at me as she gestured Ysabelle to sit oppositely at me. I smiled at my boss yet I can't put eye contact on that girl. "Would it be okay, Maxine?"

"Su-sure Maam. It won't be a problem" I smiled. "I'll be assisting her tomorrow" I politely said.

"Great!" Ysabelle said excitedly as she stands up followed by our boss and me. "Thank you, miss and don't worry, I'll be very obedient" She said and winked at me. Why do I get silly feelings with that wink??

I just smiled at her and walk my way out after saying goodbye.



As I was walking to the office, I can feel myself getting nervous. I don't know what happened to my confidence and self-esteem, today is the day I am going to assist Ysabelle and I kept on reminding myself that she was an intern, I am the head of the department and I have nothing to be nervous about. But I just can't deny the fact that I am intrigued by her personality, I hope she would be nice though.

I arrived at my cubicle 30 minutes past 8 in the morning and gladly she is not here yet. I fixed my table and some files for it to be organized, I looked at the mirror and checked myself.. wait, what? What am I doing?

"you look good." I jumped out of shocked as I hear someone spoke behind me and to my surprise, it was Ysabelle. Ugh. Can this day be more worse? I dismissed what she said and smiled at her with authority, does that work with her? Because she keeps on smirking, ghad, that was so sexy.

"ah.. ahm.. I'm sorry about that" I said

"that's okay, as I said, you really look good today" she replied giving me butterflies in my stomach, I hope she can't noticed my face becoming red already. I tried to side my face to her and answered immediately.

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