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It was our founding anniversary. The university ground was full of booths that every department had prepare, different stalls of food and enterprises were also present as well as the fancy and colorful decor, we had put. Seeing the place makes our effort worth it. I guess this is the part where every student could enjoy their day without academic stress and seeing their faces makes the student council members also beamed. This was what being a part of the student organization was for, for the students to have their leisure and their stay at school worthwhile.

"After your presentation just searches for me at this area for your uniform yeah? I'll just gonna go find Jack." Wren said pointing to an area in the gymnasium to where I'll be getting my stuffs after our presentation.


After we danced 3 presentation numbers, i proceeded to the studio to changed my costume. I was sweating and the makeup they put on my face was not helping. Throughout the dance, i've searched for Celine and my other friends but they're nowhere to be found.

"Good job guys!! Have yourselves a nice founder's week!" Our dance master said to us as we dressed ourselves and got out the studio one by one.

"Hey, nice job there, Max" Emily said as she was fixing her things up. I totally forgot about our last encounter.

"Heyy, Em. Thanks and you too. By the way.."

"Uh, yeah. About last time? I have not texted you about it because I was too shy. And i know that you already agreed, I was just busy and I can see that you are too, so I think that It would be a good idea if we do it after everything here, you know the dances and presentations and ofcourse since you're part of the council, you have so much things to do so yeah, i'll find the courage to text you" she said rumbling and i thought ig was cute of her.

I smiled at her "I understand. I literally have no time for now but you can just text anytime, k?"

"Will do! Be careful, Max"

"Thanks, you too"

I automatically spotted Wren with Jack, her boyfriend because of the uniform she's wearing.

As soon as I arrived at their spot, she pointed the vacant seat for me to seat. I also saw Celine, Annie and the other girls behind us, glad that Celine was here. Well, Gideon was probably up the stage performing, he's part of the chorale. I simply waved at them and they smile in return while was busy typing something on her phone.

I stretched my arms and massaged my neck feeling a little exhausted.

"tired?" Wren, asked as she probably seen my actions. I just hummed in response and lay my head on her shoulder. There was no malice between us since she is taken and we both are good friends; Jack is also my friend so were good. I was feeling a little sleepy when I got a smacked from the back. I jolted and saw Annie and the girls giggling pointing to Celine. I looked over to Celine, she's looking at her phone with her brows connecting. I just ignored it and lay my head on Wren's shoulder but again, I feel another smacked. This time Wren reacted, "your little girlfriend was jealous" she whispered to my ear.

I did the same looking behind me and they pointed Celine again, I looked at her saying "What?" and she just rolled her eyes at me and stick out her tongue and mouthed "flirt" at me. My jaw dropped at what she said but then laughed afterwards. Is she really jealous or am I just concluding things???

I smirked and tap the chair next to me asking her to move beside me which she obliged. Annie and the girls seemed not to notice this or does not even care to notice. As she was seated behind me, contemporary dance contest was now on so the attention was at the front.

"Now, lay your head" she said sounding so bossy

I wondered why she is acting this way, yes, we became close this past few days but do friends should be this, I don't know, jealous? I just laughed it off and obliged. Her scent was so addicting.

We both fell silent but I guess I slept a little because when I opened my eyes, students begun to stand from their seats. I noticed I was still laying on Celine's shoulder and Wren and Jack were no longer here.

"Where's Wren?" I asked Celine as her smile fade away and a scowl appeared on her face. Is she PMSing????

"gone" she stated plainly and not even looking at me.

"Where'd they go?" I asked this because my bag was on her.

"probably making out, your bag is under the chair"

I just shrugged my shoulders and thank her. Gideon comes and we all got to lunch.


The founder's week would come to an end by tomorrow. After our lunch that day, I decided to find Wren for we have something to do for the club. And I was with her the whole time as we were busy checking and attending to some student's needs. I've seen Celine, Annie and Gideon together and we just exchanged smiles except for Celine. I don't know what her problem was but I was preparing to asked her to join me to watch the concert and the fireworks tomorrow. It's a surprise for the students.

"Why do I have to be stuck with you!?" Wren exclaimed jokingly putting out the boxes for the food supply.

"why? You don't love me anymore," I pout at her, we were just this close, no romantic feelings involved.

"for every time we crossed paths with your little girlfriend, she'd threw daggers on me" she remarked referring to Celine

"Celine's just a friend" why do I felt sad by what I stated??

"Only a friend?" Wren eyed me knowingly "why do I sense sadness in that remarks hmm?"

"Wren, stop. I don't even know if I'm into girls, that makes me what? Bisexual? Lesbian?"

"Oh, don't give me that bull. You're just confuse. You can be straight but can also be romantically and sexually attracted to a woman and besides, loves knows no gender. I also believed that love is something special between two people. The feeling of love is indescribable; words can barely explain the feeling. Their sexual choice does not determine who they are as a person. This is not exclusive to men or women but available to everyone. When we let our Ego self-guide us we find ourselves disconnected from the love that we are. But when we hear the quiet whisper of our True self we express ourselves in the world with unconditional love. And in the end, male or female, isn't that what we're all really looking for?" she said tapping my shoulder. It's so nice to talk about this to someone without judgement.

"I'm not straight. That's for sure. I find her really attractive than any other boys and girls I ever met" I confessed

"You can always take your time in understanding your feelings. The more you are aware of your emotions, the more they help you know yourself and understand the people around you. And remember this, if you like someone everything feels more exciting. You start to like the things they like even if you eventually hate it. You're thinking is focused on every little thing about them from the way they hold their phone to the way that they smell so good. You get jealous easy because you're afraid someone else will steal them away. That is kinda true for me"

"Thanks Wren, this means a lot. How about you?" I asked then referring to Jackson.

"Well, Jackson and I had been together for four years now, things may go rough sometimes. We're not that perfect couple you know. We quarrel every time but after we sort things out, we always ended up choosing each other." She smiled reminiscing their moments.

"I'm glad you found someone you love Wren. I'm happy for you" I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be happy for you when you understand what you feel too, Max". I sighed.

With that we decided to take lunch together with the other student council members and prepare for another event tomorrow.

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