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Author's Note:

Chapter 8 got deleted so I'm just writing this fast since i cant remember what happened it that chapter Hahaha. Have fun!


"Shakespeare was a great writer, I remember about the plays we used to act with in High school, all of those were his works" Celine told me while she looked up at her laptop. We were at her place because of our report and that we both were available this time. We selected works of Shakespeare since its literature and he's been a famous writer back then

"Yeah, we did that too. But I don't get all giddy about Shakespeare work because it doesn't always portray love" I added, we were talking non-stop since we had finished half our reports.

"I agree. I believe Romeo and Juliet aren't even a love story" we both laughed at the thought. I think of that too.

"but is Shakespeare still relevant today after 400 or more years??" I asked try to challenged her.

"Of course!" She answered abruptly. "His works are timeless don't you think so? Think about some of Shakespeare's most famous plays, such as Romeo and Juliet. It is a classic and tragic love story that we see time and time again. Or how about Macbeth, a good man consumed by ambition, ultimately leading to his downfall – a story of good conquering evil. Some of my friends use it for some of their plays too, Shakespeare's plays have formed a template for many books and movies produced today."

"I guess you're right, I also love how Shakespeare became a master in creating characters rich in personality and traits. They never go out of date, with their various qualities of jealousy, ambition, naivety, power, kindness, nobility – the list goes on you know.."

"Yes yes, his works have strong themes that run through each piece. And again, these themes are still relevant today – love, death, ambition, power, fate, free will, just to name a few." She added.

After an hour or so I thought, I feel Celine poke me, I slowly wake up and I looked up the clock to see that it's already 10 in the evening. I fell asleep. The desk was all cleared. I remember finishing my part before I passed out.

"I hesitated to wake you up since you seem too tired. Are you hungry Max?" she asks while fixing her hair which I found amusing and cute. God..

I got no time to answer her question when my stomach growl. Celine laughed and got her purse "I'll take that as a yes"

I lazily got up but I winced when I feel my head throbbing. Fuck headache.

"Are you okay?" Celine asked in a tone full of concern, she put her hands on my forehead which my body reacted to immediately. I feel my face reddened.

"You don't look good. I mean, you look good but are you sick? Stay here for tonight. I'm just gonna go grab us something to eat. Okay?" I nodded and she left

Thank God I don't have any work to do today. My head just can't cooperate with me.

Celine came back with two paper bags on her hand.

"Celine, I can go home after this. I don't want to burden you" I said

"What? No. Stay here. I don't want you to pass out down the street. Come on, let's eat."

She handed me spoon and fork as she prepares for our meal, she got two bowls of rice, a chicken salad and chicken adobo and drinks. We both ate while watching some YouTube videos that she seemed to like a lot.

"Here, I got you extra pajamas and an Advil for your headache." I immediately drunk the medicine and thanked her. "Thanks, Cel. Its just my stupid migraine but really, thank you. " I smiled and followed her to her bedroom but I stop midways and told her that I would just sleep on her sofa.

"No, you're my guest. I'll take the sofa you go sleep in my bed"

"No. That's improper, you're too kind enough to let me stay and I should be..-" she cut me off by saying

"then let's just sleep together on my bed. Come on! I don't bite" she playfully said giving me a wink afterwards. Again, I found it to be amusing, again.

Half an hour later, I open my eyes to see Celine sleeping soundly. She snores a little and it was so cute. I stiffened when she moved closer and snuggled close to me. I can feel her breath on my neck which sent me chills down my spinal cord but gives me a warm feeling.

I smile at our position and let sleep came over me.
- - -

When we like someone and see them in our dreams, we want to think it means they like us back. For better or worse though, dreams only tell us what's on our minds. If you see yourself in a positive dream with your crush, it may be your subconscious telling you how to act in order to get that positive thinking and positive outcome.

Do our dreams mean anything? There are many different theories as to the interpretation of dreams and whether our dreams really mean something. The next day, we often have dreams, but it is important to decipher whether the meaning of the dreams is meaningful.

It is these criticisms that make the work of the renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud so fascinating. Rather than seeing dreams as a product of the sleeping brain, Freud saw dreams as the "royal road to the unconscious." For Freud, dreams are not a coincidence. Dreams come from real life, and  connections are limited by unconscious desires. Therefore, "Dreams are the fulfillment of wishes."

When you wake up and vaguely try to grab them, some dreams slide down like a minnow. Others are so vividly remembered that they are so vivid  and unforgettable that as the days go by, you  wonder if you actually dreamed of them multiple times.

Even if you don't remember many (or some) of your dreams, you  still have dreams. Experts still have a lot to discover about dreams, but they  generally agree that dreams are part of the human experience. You can move a lot  in your dreams.

But this one's real.

My Heart Hurt So Good (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now