Thirty Six

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Maxine's POV

            Today I wake up with a brand new feeling, it feels like being excited going out of bed for the first time, excited to walk on a first day of school or just having a field trip. I was just too hyper and I can't help to smile thinking that I would be seeing Ysabelle at the office again. Why am I like this? ? ?

            It's been days since we started working together and I really felt the connection I longed for, heck I don't even know if she is straight or not! I am afraid to let people in again till they realize I am not the person they were looking for. Ysabelle and I had been good friends since we worked together yet we barely talk because there's just many things to do and she also had work to do for our boss so she basically just go with me in the mornings, we just spend like four hours together each day. Jeez, I am not counting that, am I? ? ? ? ? Ghadddd. . . .  what is wrong with me? ? ?

            "hey, what's with that smile right there? ?" I got back to my senses when my sister slap my arm. "I – uh – nothing, sis. . ." I nervously replied

            "Is this that new intern? ?" Of course I would tell her about Ysabelle and she was just too smart to know it all. I did not answer back but just hearing her name make my lips formed into a smile.

            "yeah, it is about that girl!" my sister exclaimed. "o m g. . . Are you inlove, Maxine?" She hysterically asked me.

In love?

            "what? ? No! stop that. I am going to be late, I'll better go now. Bye!" I hurriedly got out the door yet still heard her replied.

            "go get that girl sis! We ain't sisters for nothing!"

--- -- --

            As soon as I arrived, I find myself lurking near her table which is near my cubicle too. And I felt empty to see that she was not here yet, I looked at the clock and it says 20 past 8. I think she's just late besides, it's too early.

            After some moment, as I waste my time doing some stuff to do, I can hear someone's footstep behind. Checking the time it was 30 minutes past 9 already.

            "Good morning, Max!" Hearing her voice automatically put a smile on my face. "Good morning Ysabelle" I greeted back at her and she smiled shyly. "Sorry I'm late today, I got some coffee with a friend and we kinda missed the time" she said as she scratch her neck, ghadd that neck. Sht. What am I thinking? ?

            Oh.. so she's with someone this morning, and here I was thinking about why she's late, now I'm not in a good mood today yet I tried to smile for her to see that it does not matter to me. "oh, it's all good, just pass your work on time, got no problem with that" by that I turn my back to her and ignored her for the past hours until its lunch time.

            On Wednesdays, Ysabelle and I have lunch together because she had no duty for the boss and her afternoon was free so she insists to come with me even just for Wednesdays and it is Wednesday today!

            I feel a tap on my shoulder and without looking I know its Ysabelle. "yes?"

            "ahm.. I can't go to lunch with you today." She informed me and this automatically caught my attention.

            "oh. Sure" I replied with that short sentence event hough I wanted to ask why and demand because I want to spend time with her. Ghadd, this feeling. "I'll be with you next Wednesday though, I just have a lunch date with this friend I had coffee earlier." She explained, somehow it felt nice listening to her explanation, like, why is she even explaining? However, I feel quite jealous on this person she had coffee and lunch date with. Wait. Lunch date? ? ? is she in a relationship already??

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