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Maxine's POV

It was raining outside when I finished preparing for a run to the grocery store, I prepared my hoodie and go out of the apartment. It was still a nice weather though, I really like rainy days especially at night. You've probably used the term pluviophile if you enjoy rain. There are several different types of people in the world, each with their own unique personality. Human nature and personality are largely determined by their likes, dislikes, and everyday routines Some people are enamored with the rising sun, while others are enamored with the view of the moon between the stars.

Like me, Pluviophiles have nostalgic feelings, and the only thing that immediately lifts their spirits is rain! They want to sit in silence by the window and listen to the raindrops pounding on the window for hours at a time. Their visions and dreams are the most strong in their imagination. They are well-versed in the power of rain and have high levels of self-assurance. Their brains are just singing an I LOVE THE RAIN song over and over again!

I personally have loved the rain ever since childhood, and rain never fails to encourage me to make good things happen. Yes, it gives me nostalgic moments and a moment to remember as always.

I happily got into the store and the rain had stopped by now, as I put my things which includes my hoodie and umbrella, on the counter of the store, my phone rang and I answer.

It was my sister.

"What's up?" I asked through the phone

"I'm outside your apartment Sis, where are you at!? Come get me here now!" She screamed irritatedly through the phone and I laugh because I can see her getting irritated too, that asshole.

"I just got out for grocery, I'll be back after a minute just wait right there."

"Wait?? Your neighbor slash this nerdy guy was looking at me through her window and I am too shy to just stay right here like some creep" She said, she was probably referring to Austin, a college guy that is really studios and nice as well.

"She's nice sis, just stay the fuck down and wait for me, okay?"

"Ugh! Fine, but please be quick"

"okay okay, ghad bye"

I hanged up and hurriedly went inside the store so that I could go back instantly at my apartment. I went to find some pasta and ingredients on it, the store was half packed today and some people are walking their way through. I was basically running unto each stall when I saw someone on my way and I excused myself yet I can see her through my peripheral vision. She was leaning on the side of the stall letting me passed through, ain't she cute? I mentally chuckle and continue my way to find the ketchup.

After few minutes, I received a text message from my sister again so I hurriedly went to the counter to pay for the things I bought. I once again saw the girl with her gray hoodie and mask on, she was standing far beside the counter and I can see her looking at me yet I don't make it obvious that I can see her too. Her eyes are pretty by the way.

After I pay for my stuff, I hurriedly walked out the grocery store and went home to cater my probably angry sister at my apartment.


"What took you so long!?" My sister welcomed me with her high-pitched irritated voice. I laugh and just open the apartment for us to get in.

My sister and I got closer when I go to college and she was too, we talked about certain stuff and she basically knows what happened in my past, she had been there for me eversince and me too.

We prepare for our lunch and just talk about stuff. She will be staying here for now because our parents will be leaving for our grandparents anniversary and she have classes so she was here to pest me around.

"How long will you be staying here?" I asked while watching the television with her browsing through her phone

"2 weeks sis, chill, I won't be here for too long so that you could bring your whores here" she replied mockingly, how dare she?

I throw a pillow on her but she immediately caught it. "You should go out with someone sis, so your mood will be good always" she said

"I am in a good mood, sis. I was just asking you duh."

"Until my ex forget about me. You know, we broke up last day and I am not willing to get back together because he is dumb as fck and I don't want him going to the house to say sorry."

"Why.. what happened between you and Matt?"

"He cheated on me with some girl he met during his game, it was just a three-day tournament and we've been dating for almost 8 months and he would just hooked up with some random girl? Like what the heck?"

"Okay, first things first, he is dumb as fuck for what he did and second that girl is ugly, am I not wrong?" I laughed, she also laughed by that and I continued "how are you taking the break up though?"

"I'm okay sis, our relationship had been so toxic for the past months and I am just waiting for the right time to break it off because I still care for him but how dare he cheat on me when I am the one only working for our relationship."

"you know you deserved better, right?"

"I know right. You know me, I still care for him but I won't jeopardize my well-being for some douche bag.. unlike you" she jokingly said

"shut up. Our lovelife is different, and I entertain some guys and girls too"


"I still don't have someone right now, I just don't feel the connection, you know, I like being entertained by some but their mindset sucks ugh"

"I get you sis HAHAHHAH calm the fck down, the right one will come at the right time though."

" I know.. I know and besides I'm busy so I really don't have time with that"

"oh I've seen Celine last month though"

"Good to know she's still alive" We both laugh at that and I decided to go to my room to take a nap for a while.

My room is what I call my safe haven. It was designed with a mixture of gray and white. The walls are gray which I think complements my personality, I am not boring or conservative though, I just like the ambiance it gives me. It feels brand new.

I decided to go on my social media accounts to kill some time, I had no work today so I should be resting right? Besides, it's kinda cozy to just chill in a rainy day. I played some music of course and Happy With You by Arthur Neri is playing, blasting through the speaker.

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