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Maxine's POV

It's Monday and I can't stop laughing at some stories of Gideon about his weekend. He told me that he found his brother masturbating with his crush's picture but doesn't close his door and make noises and Gideon's room was just next to his so he checked if his brother was okay. We cannot stop laughing at this. Who wouldn't?? Then who told us about a guy he met for a one night stand over the weekend. This boy just cannot stop with the sex thing.

We were at the cafeteria with Annie, Gideon, Jane, Ashley and Sue. Basically, we don't have to be apart since were in the same circle of friends but no one within our circle knows that were dating.

"The awkward part is when I asked him on how much should I pay him because i don't know about those stuff" Gideon said as we all laugh hysterically. Yup, he's talking about his sex experience.

"You should pay him base on his performance, Gids" Celine said as she wiggled her eyebrows at us

"Yeah, but he refuses to. I mean we're like talking on the phone for a few days and just decided to do it. We both wanted it, I guess, it just happened so suddenly, I can blame m hormones and impulsiveness for that tho"

"I guess its consensual?" I asked a little curious

"Maybe.." Gideon replied munching his chicken wings and blushing

"Is he good!?" Annie asked excitedly and Sue smacked her head "What!? I'm just curious... or is it BIG!?." She retorted back at Sue

Sue gasped and said "You and your filthy mouth Annie"

"yes!" Gideon replied ecstatically. "you would want another round for that"

We all laugh at how dirty the conversation goes. We talked about all stuff and when it's Celine's turn to share her weekend, she just smiled and said she's just around her house and the beach which is not purely a lie. After our night we just stayed at her apartment and watch some movies, cuddle, play games and make out.

"How about you Max?" Annie asked knowingly

I smiled "My weekend was good guys. Got some happy time for myself and just watched movies." They all looked convinced and I looked at Celine who was too engrossed with what the others are talking. I put my hand on her thigh under the table. She looks so hot.

I felt her tensed but relax in a little bit. I can't keep my hands off of her. The thought of grabbing her neck and kissing it was on my mind. She looked at me knowingly and talked to me with her eyes, probably saying "behave".


Fck Hormones!! Gideon was right.

I just rolled my eyes at her and continued eating. We all left after we ate and head to our classes.


"For others, it's the edge it'll give them in their planned career. In particular, subjects like Law or Economics are well suited to particular career goals. Even with subjects that are more open, the amount of commitment and work expected during a postgraduate course shows a lot about your abilities, and it is something employers will take notice of. You'll also learn many transferable skills, such as how to previously learnt information to new situations, and how to engage with new concepts quickly. What subjects known as the social sciences? Give me one and briefly explain it.

"Anthropology, maam. As for my research, it is known as the 'science of humanity', it covers a broad range of topics from human behaviour, to cultural relations, and how the evolution of humanity has influenced society's structure. It's often described as being both scientific and humanistic, meaning it's well-suited for anyone looking to indulge passions for both of these kinds of subject and, whilst focusing on history to an extent, there's plenty of chance to apply it in modern contexts too!" Thea answered.

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